The Hero’s Hold #6 — Dec. 20, 2021

9 min readDec 20, 2021


The Hero’s Hold — A DeFi Kingdoms Hero Report


Well met, adventurer — welcome to The Hero’s Hold! In this series, we track the details about heroes in DeFi Kingdoms, with game news, statistics, metrics, and more!

The snapshot for all of this week’s data was taken on 12/20 at 8am ET.

Note: Due to ongoing API issues, the hero data for this week is a little wonkier than usual, and may be off by a few in various directions. This is especially true for the Hero Wallet stats (more below).

Welcome to the Hero’s Hold, adventurer!

In this Issue:

  • Heroic Happenings (News)
  • The Summoner’s Circle (Stats)
  • The Adventurer’s Guild (Wallets)

So, let’s dig in!

Heroic Happenings

It was another busy week in the Kingdoms! Even as we saw Gardening Quests delayed until this coming week, there was still plenty going on behind the scenes and in the community! Here are a few highlights from the week:

Recessive Genes Revealed

The biggest news of the week happened not in-game, but rather among the DFK Developer community, when it was made public that the details for how to pull a hero’s recessive genes from the blockchain had been sitting under our noses for months now.

This is something that Hubert had previously said he’d like to make easily available, and the dev community wasted no time integrating this info into bots and creating new web tools.

Hubert noting that he’d like recessive genes to me made easily available

With this information, we were also able to start getting a better sense of how genes are selected and passed on during the summoning process. I’ll have a full writeup on this soon, but here are a couple of basics:

  • Genes are selected from each parent at a rate of approximately:
    D: 75% / R1: 18.75% / R2: 4.5% / R3: 1.75%

The exact numbers here are still not completely confirmed, but there’s only about .25% of wiggle room in each of them, so it’s close enough for now.

Once genes from each parent are selected, there’s a 50/50 chance for which one the hero will take as a dominant gene. If a mutation is possible, it happens at a rate of:

  • 25% for Advanced and Elite classes
  • 12.5% for Exalted classes

So if the two parents only have the appropriate genes as dominant (as is the case with most Advanced & Elite class heroes), this means that the effective summoning rate of Elite heroes is 14.06% and 7.03% for Exalted (.75 * .75 * [.25 or 12.5]). This aligns with the numbers in my previous article. Attempts at Advanced classes have a higher effective rate because recessive genes are more likely to come into play in those summons.

This information will be a huge help to all of us not only for plotting our future summons, but also looking for great deals in the tavern!

HeroBot has Entered the Chat

That’s right, this week I was pleased to welcome HeroBot to the official DFK Discord community!

HeroBot has entered the chat!

HeroBot is an all-purpose hero lookup tool so that you can get information about your heroes without having to look in-game. The bot can be accessed in the #bot-commands channel, and uses Discord’s built-in “slash commands,” which means that when you type / into the chat, you will see a list of all of its commands and it will guide you through the necessary options and parameters. By default, all messages from HeroBot are private and can only be seen by you, so feel free to research that secret alpha.

Hero Lookup for Frida Farwolf #1 (FriskyFox)

HeroBot has a bunch of commands already, and the list keeps growing as new features are added — including the genetic info mentioned above! So far, these include:

  • /hero [hero_id] [optional: public] - Displays information about a hero
  • /tree [hero_id] [optional: public] - Displays the family tree of a hero
  • /genes [hero_id] [optional: public] - Displays a hero's genetic information
  • /match [hero1] [hero2] [optional: public] - Displays potential hero genes based on parent matchups
  • /stats [optional: public] - Displays basic aggregated hero stats
  • /about [optional: public] - Displays bot info
  • /help [optional: public] - Displays the Help page with a list of commands

There are also a handful of new channels in the Discord that display running feeds of: Tavern Listings, Tavern Sales, and New Summons.

If you run into issues, or have feature suggestions for the HeroBot, please let me know!

Hero Milestones

Another week, another hero milestone! Here are four heroes this week that should draw our attention!

First, following last week’s Gen0 surprise, this week, two more Gen0s were summoned, bringing the total to 2093! Please welcome Sandy Fourblood and Valdangar Fulhúll!

Valdangar Fulhúll #75013 (CryptoOneBabe) and Sandy Fourblood #73806 (Space Cowboy)

Since we reported last week that only 3 Gen0 crystals remained unopened, this should mean that there’s only one Gen0 left out there. This final one should also be one of the 24 heroes airdropped to various influencers and promoters — pretty soon somebody is going to realize that they’ve been sitting on a $60,000 asset that they forgot about!

Dreddolt Blackmyre #75000 (OxCoolguy)

This week, we also welcomed the 75,000th hero to be summoned from the Inner Grove! Congratulations to player OxCoolguy! Given the continued pace of hero summons, we’ll highlight these a little less frequently going forward.

Frumbeam Crakehall #69420 (Sanitaras)

And of course, we finally got the dank hero we’ve all been waiting for: Frumbeam Crakehall #69420 was summoned on December 14 by Sanitaras.

If you’re looking to grab this — *ahem* — special hero, he’s currently on sale in the tavern for, you guessed it, 6942.0 JEWEL. Just maybe lay off the ragweed, ok?

The Summoner’s Circle

That was a lot of hero news! Let’s take a look at some statistics for all of the heroes that have been summoned so far.

Total Heroes: 75,895 (+8,161 / 12.0%)

Hero Growth

Hero growth started to slow down a bit this week as the price of JEWEL rose again and questing lost a bit of value while we await the arrival of the Alchemist. The total number of heroes increased by over 8,000 this week — around 12.0%, with an average of about 1,165 new heroes summoned every day this week.

Total Heroes (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Dec. 20: 75,895 (9,161 / 12.0%)
• Dec. 13: 67,734 (10,108 / 17.5%)
• Dec. 6: 57,626 (9,728 / 20.3%)
• Nov. 29: 47,898 (6,318 / 15.2%)

Hero Stat Breakdowns

This week, we saw our first Level 3 heroes, and over 43.6% of heroes had reached at least Level 2!

The Adventurer’s Guild

In this section, we track heroes as they’re held in various Harmony wallets.

Total Hero Wallets: 11,518* (+961 / 9.1%)

* This week’s data is a little extra wonky due to API issues—we’re unable to track the owners of 265 heroes this week, so the numbers in this section do not include those heroes.

Hero Wallet Growth

Hero wallet growth continued to increase slowly this week, increasing by 961, with the percentage declining a bit to 9.1%.

Total Hero Wallets (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Dec. 20: 11,518 (961 / 9.1%)
• Dec. 13: 10,557 (1,166 / 12.4%)
• Dec. 6: 9,391 (1,107 / 13.4%)
• Nov. 29: 8,284 (917 / 12.5%)

In terms of overall DFK profile stats — recall that these are the number of profiles created in the game, not necessarily all wallets that have interacted with it that number increase by another 6.96%, even as the share of hero wallets to profiles only increased to 17.3% (up by .3%), indicating that hero adoption is keeping pace with profile growth.

Hero Wallet Stats

This week the average number of heroes held per wallet increased again to 6.57 (+2.5%), while the median wallet held steady at 3 heroes.

A few key hero wallet metrics

The share of hero holdings by the Top 50 wallets continued to decrease slightly this week, by 1.9%, even as the number of heroes increased by nearly 10%. However the share of wallets holding only one hero also decreased slightly again by 1.4% to 32.2%. An additional 262 wallets have one hero from last week, an increase of 7.6%.

Wallet Rankings

Please note the logarithmic y-axis scales of the charts below, and that this first chart groups wallets holding 75–99, 100–124, 125–149, 150–200, and 200+ heroes. If you have better ideas for how to display this data, please let me know!

Gen0 Wallet Stats

We’re also checking in on Gen0 wallets, in order to keep an eye on potential consolidation.

Total Gen0 Wallets: 844* (-1 from last week)

Note: This week, there are two Gen0s (#620 and #1052) whose ownership status is unknown, so they are excluded here. Combined with the two additional Gen0s summoned this week, I’d be cautious around drawing any significant conclusions from this week’s Gen0 data.

The number of Gen0 wallets more or less held steady again this week, with very little movement at all. The number of wallets holding 1 Gen0 increased by four, as a few of the top holders sold off one, and a new wallet summoned one (the other newly summoned Gen0 was by Space Cowboy, the #5 Gen0 holder).

A few key metrics for Gen0 wallets

The biggest movement this week came from Joe40, who appears to have moved 15 Gen0s back to Eric (we noted a similar transfer in the other direction a few weeks ago).

Whale Watch

Finally, let’s check in on our hero whales. Relatively minor change this week among the Top 10, beyond Almost adding 165 heroes! The number of wallets with 100+ heroes also increased a decent amount this week to 38(+9).

Account Name / Hero Count (Change) / Gen0s

  1. Veilvi / 476 (+43) / 21
  2. Almost / 345 (+165) / 0
  3. Wouter / 245 (+19) / 5
  4. leon / 236 (+9) / 8
  5. Pikul / 230 (+20) / 6
  6. ぷでぃんぐ / 201(+2) / 0
  7. Dunsparrow / 194 (+2) / 2
  8. DarkSaga / 194 (+23) / 1
  9. holmes / 192 (+10) / 12
  10. Jilly / 188 (+6) / 3

Total heroes held by Top 10: 2,501 (+275 / +12.3%)

Thank you Hero Whales for your support of DeFi Kingdoms!

That’s it for today! Thanks for reading, and please subscribe and stick around for future editions of The Hero’s Hold. If you like what you’re reading here, I’m happy to accept tips at: 0xf543311360d1072873D627B06ffe85587e8fc41a.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to me at MrZipper#7564 on Discord or @MrZipper7 on Twitter.

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