What I Believe — 18 of 31

Or “Condensing my Human Experience into a Post”

Kyle Murray
2 min readMay 18, 2017
Hi there.

I’m a patron of Ninja Writers and this is day eighteen of the May Medium Post-a-Day Challenge of blogging for 30 consecutive days.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine.Ten.Eleven.Twelve.Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen.

Let’s Get Down To It

I believe in cheering for sports teams because you have some sort of connection to them, no matter how much they suck (lousy Jets…).

I believe showers after a tough run or workout are one of life’s underrated treasures.

I believe in giving gifts unexpectedly and not expecting anything in return.

I believe in acting like an adult in serious matters and like a child in leisure.

I believe everyone has the chance to make their lives better, but that we should always be looking for opportunities to help others do so.

I believe in hard work, but I also understand not everyone has had the opportunities that I had.

I believe the most religious people are usually the hardest to identify because they do so through actions, not words.

I believe in taking credit only when I absolutely deserve it. Most things are accomplished as a team.

I believe the universe is far more complex than we can fully understand, but it’s still worth trying to.

I believe in thinking about the end of life as an inevitability so I can plan to make the best use of my time.

I believe that fear can paralyze but only we or outside forces can truly destroy ourselves.

I believe that a day without some sort of physical activity is a waste.

I believe in family and if you don’t get along with yours, make one you do get along with.

I believe everyone deserves a chance until proven otherwise.

I believe that we can always do better and we should never stop trying.

Connect with me on LinkedIn even though what trends there makes zero sense to me, so feel free to connect on Twitter.



Kyle Murray

Tar Heel. OCR Athlete. Writer. Content Manager. My mission is to make lives better and live well.