Exploring Space, Human Ingenuity

Vincent Apunike
4 min readNov 2, 2022


But because humans are strong and have perseverance, we can now see what the surface of Mars looks like, even drill some inches in order to learn more about the future. It took a little above 200 days for Perseverance to land on Mars. Some do not care about this but it’s crazy. I am impressed and enamored. The cameras on this unmanned equipment are high-end. There are some things they captured that suggested or, at least, raised questions about whether sentient lifeforms have existed there, including the possibilities of aqueous organisms if it so happened that a crater there may have been a lake, or a form of water body years ago.

Science is cool so also is technology. There were shapes that looked like doors on some rocks there on Mars that could have been caused by anything. These are questions NASA is trying to answer. It takes time and enormous resources to set up feats like going to the Moon or Mars. It takes dedication and foresight. But something funny happens in this realization of human ingenuity.

Since science works with hard facts, rooms are made for authors to push the ideas forward. I saw a video where the narrator talked about the possibility of an author writing a novel based on the new findings. For me, it makes sense to stimulate people’s imaginations even those of scientists. No matter how you want to treat a writer, I know for sure, there are things that exist today because scientists considered ideas that weren’t so popular when they appeared in novels.

Lots of people question how we got here, sending objects to another planet. The accuracy gets me but I know it took teams and hard work. Many years back, it took almost the same amount of time to travel from one country to another but now in a few hours you can get anywhere. I don’t know what to say to anyone who doesn’t at least pay attention. One question that helped inspire this post was like, who is more responsible for these achievements, the government of the United States or some individuals that are genuises and relentless in pursuing things that are possible but may take others a while to believe?

I take pride in my articles here not because I know it all or even have any particular formula for putting them together, but I enjoy writing, and constantly I try to illuminate on some ideas that may seem common but hold much value. One thing that have prospered science is education. So for that question I considered the investments the US government make on education, research, and how their good works also have helped these geniuses prosper as well.

What could make someone read astronomy? Love of maths? Witnessing astronauts splash down after a space project? Read Science fiction? Just like every endeavor, you cannot really say that there is only one source of inspiration. Different encounters no matter how negligible it may appear to someone else may spark the beginning of something amazing for someone. As the November Elections are underway, I have no doubts about the commitments leaders who believe in true democracy have for the future of Americans. The present adminstration forgave student loans and offered relief to struggling families so that those who want to study Science can afford to. So yeah, vote for leaders who contribute to advancing humanity in this way.

Star Trek was a hard read for me as a young kid meandering in libraries. I read some anyway. Maybe those who have science fiction as their favorite genre find it easy to read them. I like science fiction because these novels break down complex scientific ideas into easily digestible reads. Many times when researching on a topic, I also include novels that have dealt with those themes. I don’t know how many futuristic concepts from Star Trek or other novels like that have been applied today but we all are better due to the knowledge and capabilities.

Another thing I realized is that many think scientists are not humans as well. It goes both ways, imagine having lunch with a physicist and she goes off about what she is working on in the laboratory. If you don’t come from a science background or have any interest in such matters, you may not understand all the jargons. It’s like how even though you may know how to read, there are documents that require lawyers for better interpretations because it is in their field to do so.

On the other end, you have people who have applied possibilities that abound in science and technology, amassing enermous wealth in the process. Many people for whatever reason think they are not human too just because they are rich. I don’t tear people down. Advancement is inevitable most times. Many of them dedicate their careers to solving unique problems like clean energy for a better climate and generally how our lives can be better.

So that question I addressed earlier makes me think about space exploration, the International Space Station, Solar energy, the diplomacy and logistics involved, how the US government and corporations work together.
I marvel at human ingenuity. We must preserve these achievements. You may not solve complex science equations but you have to understand that human ingenuity depends on civilization and one way you can help nurture it is by performing your civic duties, important among them is voting for leaders who care about education, equality, and progress.

