Building community with Akropolis

10 min readJul 14, 2019


Hello Akropolitans, Cryptomaniacs,

Friday 12th was a special day, we just did the last round of the Akropolis Community Quest Third Edition. All good things have to come to an end…

Akropolis Quest Rounds Ending

This round was a special one, focused on Akropolis community.
I am not only going to write a quest recap, but rather than that, we will go through the main activities of this event and try to give a broader picture of why it is a top-notch community building event in crypto space.

If you read to the end, some surprise with a unique guest might as well be waiting for you…

If you wish to read a detail review of previous rounds (chronological order) :

First of all I would like to mention some community members feedbacks shared in the first part of this round, about the quest but also sometimes more generally about the community management itself.

“It was a wonderful adventure. I have never participated in anything like this, so I experienced a lot of emotions and feelings. The first rounds were especially good, and the quiz with jimyajimjim just blew my mind.”

“I will express my opinion on Akropolis Community Quest III which, in my opinion, has undergone some changes compared to the second Quest. As always, it was very interesting and fascinating to participate in these events, there are many tasks for ingenuity and thinking for which a special thank you.” Hunter

“Permanent action during almost a month(!) Regular rounds, special rounds, riddles, flash quizzes, find and decode. That was exciting! And I am very grateful to the Akropolis team. The main difficulty was also connected with this. It was quite hard to find time in my schedule and connect the quest into my daily life for such a long time…”
“…I was looking for the last two pieces of “find and decode” while sitting on the stairs in the dark, trying to catch the weak Internet signal”
LynX aka AkroFrog

“Through this activity I knew a lot of new interesting things and some of that might be useful in a future.
I like organisation and work with community a lot, admire the colossal work done by the team to prepare all the riddles and thematical quizes.”
J Vargas

“As I stated before I believe what the team is doing in engaging the community is great. The rewards are great and I also learned a lot, especially Defi and Web3 related. All the quizzes and rounds were very well put together, and, after trying to come up with a riddle on my own, I appreciate their efforts and creativity even more.”

“Never seen other project doing this kind of community engagement and I dont think there is a better way to win the people, you won this game Akropolis, you won!”

“The quest was definitely something refreshing and different to see in this space. I doubt many projects managed to create such a bond with the community and keep an active involvement in the space. As far as designing the quest I was really impressed by how it improved from version to version and how resourceful the team proved to be.”
Andrei Sandu

An important thing to remind you is that this quest was the first I have the chance to do. And like I shared in my own feedbacks, I regret I didn’t take time to participate in previous editions, because it was an amazing experience for many reasons I will explain in three parts.

1. Diversity

Akropolis Community Quest is a big adventure !

The diversity is mainly visible in three areas : the themes for the rounds, the riddles, but also the loooong list of additional activities you can participate in.

From a bigger picture with a general overview round, we progressively moved on aspects of Akropolis ecosystem, with DeFi, DAOs, the Informal Economy and of course Akropolis itself. The list of rounds is quite long and I invite each one of you, if you didn’t take the chance to participate, to read the recaps I have written about these rounds.

Along with this variety of themes, we could also find a variety of riddles, allowing the quest to be challenging from the beginning to the end.
I am so glad I have discovered so much different ways to decode data with all the ciphers the team has selected for us : Nihilism cipher, ROT 47, Enigma 3…
We had also to find our way flying all around the world with flights and maps, decode google document with tons of information and much more.

Flash quizzes were also shared randomly, so everyone could be able to show up its Google mastering skills to find informations as fast as possible.
The list of additional activities seems to be made so that you can stand a chance to earn points for the quest, even if you cannot participate in rounds nor that you are not so comfy with solving hard-rekt riddles.
Rewards were also available for those willing to prepare videos, articles, quest recaps, but also stickers & gifs.
Therefore there are not so much excuses possible to find your way to earn points, either if you want to show your creativity, your google skills, or your mastermind, the team has made the quest accessible for EVERYONE !

Something is sure, Akropolis Quest is made to sharpen your mind.
Thanks to this variety, community team worked hard to make a quest fun, entertaining but also educating on both the themes Akropolis is working with but also an incredible list of ways to hide informations.
This is mostly why I think Akropolitans enjoyed the quest to the very end and not only because there are points to win, which alone is a source of future fail for a community building and the case for many communities events that reward you based on boring tasks to do.

2. Continuous improvement

Like I said earlier, this is already the third edition of the Akropolis Community Quest. Reading the different feedbacks from the community members, we can easily noticed that the team is striving to improve the community experience since the Quest was born, but also all along the execution of an edition.

Community feedbacks were asked at the end of each round, to give us the possibility to share our detailed opinions about what we liked or not concerning the round done and our suggestions for the future.
On Telegram, team members are always available to listen to us and think about what they can change to make this experience the best one !
It makes me think than this event is not only made by the team but also the community sort of.

The best way to emphasize this aspect is the last round. We had the opportunity to prepare questions and riddles for the whole community, and I think it was an awesome idea because we could see how it felt to prepare a riddle, think about all the logicial scenarios possible, imagine some hints to help community members to solve the riddle, make a challenge entertaining. Conclusion : this is not easy at all !
Community members had the chance to have a glimpse on what does represent all the organization and creation of riddles. So huge thanks to Yana Marakhonova for this idea.

3. Unique

Vincent flips the two locks, opening the case for the Akropolis Quest

Akropolis Community team, combining all the differente elements I have mentioned above and a high professionalism, has created a unique event never seen within cryptospace before as far as I know.

It is not only one of the best way to attract people, but also one of the best approach if you want to engage your community to learn more about the project, spend time while having the possibility to earn rewards and educate yourself in various ways.
Cryptospace has a ton of different projects and it is really difficult to follow each of them progress. Purpose a challenge like the Quest to invest your time to learn, create a bond between you and your supporters, while having ton of fun is an amazing idea.
In my own experience, I found very interesting to meet all the people I have competed with during this quest, trying to understand their ways of thinking, reading their opinions on different questions around Akropolis project, crypto, tradional finance and so on…

We have the chance today with crypto to be connected with people all around the world, but it’s a challenge and not an easy task for crypto community management teams to engage everyone and create a link between the team and the community but also create a positive atmosphere for people to help you build the foundations of your project and walk step by step together.
And without a doubt it is beautifully done by Akropolis team.

Interview with the creator

Thinking about ways to rekt

Last but not least, ladies and gentleman, let me introduce you the creator of the Quest realm, the mastermind of riddles, the king of rekt : Ross !

I had the chance and opportunity to ask him few questions about this adventure he created, so enjoy !

Alexis : How did you come up with the quest idea ?

Ross : The Quest was designed to speed up our community building process. We understand the importance of strong community, and we also understand the difference between ‘active’ TG chat and active community. First thing can be easily achieved with low-effort solutions, like airdrops. They can easily burst number of chat messages, but that will be low-quality messages from random people who wouldn’t even bother to read something regarding the project, they only care for free tokens. Examples can be seen in any chats during airdrops, we did not want “admin when airdrop token” or “gud projec” to be main topic of community discussion.

So we’ve been working on a solution that:
A) can attract a lot of quality people
B) motivate people to learn a lot about Akropolis
C) can create the bound between the project and the community.

That’s how we come up with the Quest.

Alexis : When you created the quest and launched the first edition along with the community team, did you have some surprises, positives or negatives ?

Ross : A lot of thing were unexpected. Among the negative surprises I would say that the number of cheaters was much higher than I expected. Among the positives — the number of smart and super creative people who participated was also much higher than we thought it would be.
Personal surprise: somehow people managed to solve everything eventually. I honestly thought that in many cases we did an overkill with the difficulty.

Alexis : The organization of the Quest rounds seems very time-consuming for the Akropolis community team. Could you give us some insights about all the tasks being done under the hood in order to make the rounds experience as good as possible ?

Ross : It was a very huge amount of work indeed, especially considering that only 4 people were fully involved. Though it was much easier than Quest 1 and 2, where we had less people and also no gaps between the round.
So, what work should have been done in order to do one round:

⁃ Prepare an article, translate and proofread it.
⁃ Prepare questions for initial discussions and prepare a marketing questionnaire.
⁃ Prepare questions for crossword and quizzes, we typically prepared 15 questions for quizzes and 10 questions for crossword each round. All those question should have been translated from Russian and the facts double checked.
⁃ Upload the questions to the typeform and puzzle constructor. Sounds easy, but actually it was a nuisance almost every time due to bugs.
⁃ Prepare Step 4 tasks.
⁃ Upload everything to the quest platform and check if every participants from previous round had their progress set to zero, so that they will start from the very beginning when quest starts. Usually it required going straight to the AWS console and manually setting user progress to zero, one by one.
⁃ Test everything a few times.
⁃ After round end I was also checking every participants submissions to the platform to catch cheaters.
⁃ Then of course managing spreadsheets, adding points to the Akrobot and carefully checking the feedback.

Alexis : This is the third edition of the Akropolis Community Quest and so far it seems to be again a great success for Akropolis Community members.
Could you tell us more about your personal experience through these different editions.

I learned A LOT of new things while preparing the questions. While I’m not exactly sure that knowing the exact place where Archduke Ferdinand was shot or the route of Singapore — Mumbai flight are very helpful, it was totally fun!

From really personal point of view, I’m a bit surprised that I was able to live through the quests without getting to the hospital afterwards xD The amount of stress and number of days with little to no sleep was extraordinary from my perspective xD

Alexis : Why do you think such event is important for Akropolis relationship with its followers ?

Ross : Many reasons, I guess one of the most important is:
it creates the emotional bond between Akropolis and community members. People are likely to become close with each other not when they like same things or are alike, people become close when they lived through a strong shared experience. And with the difficulty and length of our rounds I guess this experience was rather intense.
The best crypto projects have a huge supporter base that will stay with the project no matter what, and I hope that after 3 quests editions we now have this base for Akropolis too.

Alexis : Is there anything else you want to add ?

Ross : Thank you very much for playing the quest and not killing me for some overcomplicated tasks xD 👀

This is over for this article. Thanks for reading, I hope you liked all these recaps and articles. I invite you to participate in additional activities like creative content that are still available.

In the meantime, I wish you a good day and we will see each other soon in Akropolis community. See ya !

Kind regards,

Common links :
Akropolis Website :
Akropolis Quest Wiki :
Akropolis Telegram :

