Short article on how to get started on objkt (for artists)

4 min readFeb 3, 2022


If you are a collector, please read this article. Please do your research before buying! It is very important as anyone can mint on objkt. Read the article to learn more.

Why objkt?

In short, objkt NFTs are clean NFTs, the art is great, the fees are low, and you can have your collections on your own contract.. Click here to learn more, or read this article written by an artist who explains why she has chosen objkt:

Or listen to the founders speak about objkt:

How to get started?

Please look at the steps below. You can also watch this video made by an user:

1- Create a wallet and buy tezos

You will need to create a wallet, buy tezos (XTZ) and send these tezos to your wallet. Click here to learn how to do this.

Don’t send money to people you don’t know

If you are sending tez to someone who is part of a copyminting network, your account may get restricted (you would need to explain why you sent tezos). Do not fund the account of someone you don’t know, it’s very important.

2. “Sync” your wallet

Go to, click on “sync” at the right of the page.

You will then see that you are connected!

It is possible that you already have NFTs on objkt even if you haven’t collected on objkt yet as objkts from other marketplaces such as Hic et Nunc are displayed there. To see them, go to your “owned” tab, where you will be able to see your collection:

3 — Start minting “objkts” (your NFTs)

Please note that you will need to create a collection first. Once you have created your collection, you will be able to “mint” your NFTs.

Please click here if you want to know how to mint NFTs.

Please click here if you want to know how to batch mint (mint many pieces at once).

Before thinking about minting, you need to keep in mind that:

  • It is forbidden to mint duplicates except in certain cases (please see the article about minting)
  • It is not possible to edit the description. You will need to burn and mint it again.
  • It is (obviously) forbidden to mint an artpiece which you didn’t create. For ex, if you bought a piece, you can’t mint it as if it were your own creation. The same applies if you mint a piece which is not your own creation but to which you only added minor alterations, unless it was free of use and you got the consent from the artist (but you would need to prove it).

4 — Add your information

Please click here to learn how to add information such as your name, Twitter, a profile picture.

Please note that you may see “n/a” on your account the first time you “sync” your wallet. When n/a is displayed on your profile, it means that you haven’t started collecting or creating NFTs. Once you start an activity, the data will appear on your profile.

5 — Get a short profile URL

You would need to buy a tezos domain to do this. Learn more here.

6 — Sell

List at a fixed price

Please click here if you want to know how to list them.

Start an auction

Please click here if you want to know how an auction works. You will receive wrapped tezos (oXTZ): click here to learn how to unwrap them.

Accept offers

Or you can choose to accept offers. Click here to learn more.

7 — Send pieces/Airdrop gifts

Click here for the tutorial.

Please think twice before sending unsolicited mass airdrops. Although not forbidden this is something which is in general not appreciated by collectors.

8 — Receive Telegram notifications

If you want to be notified when you sell, someone places an offer on your objkt, etc. you can use a Telegram bot which will send you notifications in real time:

9 — Use a Ledger to be safe

Please see the steps here to learn how to use a Ledger with Temple wallet:

Click here to see all the articles which will be useful to you.




I am the curator for I wrote the articles here to explain how I use objkt with simple words. But for any tech support, please ask on the Discord :)