Please read before starting collecting

5 min readFeb 14, 2022


If you only need to read one thing, you will need to read paragraph number 4 about fees and copyminters. Please scroll down.

Why should you collect on

In short, objkt NFTs are clean NFTs, the art is great, the fees are low. Click here to learn more.

Click on the link below to read an article written by an artist who explains why she has chosen objkt:

Or listen to this podcast where the founders speak about objkt:

1- Create a wallet and buy tezos

You will need to create a wallet, buy tezos (XTZ) and send these tezos to your wallet. Click here to learn how to do this.

2. “Sync” your wallet

Go to, click on “sync” at the right of the page.

You will then see that you are connected!

It is possible that you already have NFTs on objkt even if you haven’t collected on objkt yet as objkts from other marketplaces such as Hic et Nunc are displayed there. To see them, go to your “owned” tab, where you will be able to see your collection:

Versum NFTs are not supported (at the moment) on so you won’t see them.

3 — Discover art:

How to discover NFTs to collect? Click here to read the article which explains everything in detail.

4 — Before collecting, read this

Important! If you only read one thing, please read the paragraph below

Before buying, make sure to do your research. Anyone can mint on objkt. Measures are taken to detect fraudulent accounts as soon as possible but it is possible some manage to sell before being detected. If the account is a new account, and there is no name, no Twitter or website attached, and the art is amazing at a very low price, it may be a copyminter. If it is almost the same piece as another piece minted on another platform with minor alterations, make sure the artist allowed this, most of the time, it is not allowed. Please refrain from buying or ask for advice.

If the account is the account of a copyminter, you can report it directly through the objkt UI. It will then be restricted. It means it cannot be sold on objkt anymore. If pieces are blurred on your “owned” page, it means the account is either restricted or under review. You can ask the team for the reason on Discord. If it is restricted, I would advise to burn the piece (learn how to burn here).

Don’t send money to people you don’t know

If you are sending tez to someone who is part of a copyminting network, your account may get restricted (you would need to explain why you sent tezos). Do not fund the account of someone you don’t know, it’s very important.

If you are buying to resell for a profit later, please read this:

If you are buying in order to resell at a higher price later, please have in mind that there are fees on secondary sales (royalties + platform fees, and you need to take into account the gas fees). So if you buy an NFT for 1 tez and sell it for 1.3 tez hoping you will make a profit, it is possible you might be at loss instead. Click here to read the article which will be useful to you if you want to resell.

Every time you do a transaction, you need to pay gas fees (minimal). These are not platform fees, they go to miners, not to Make sure you always have at least 0.2 tez in your wallet.

They are not the same all the time but they will be indicated in your wallet and you can choose to confirm or not.

For instance, here I’m trying to buy something and it indicates this for the gas and storage fee:

Please note that the storage fee which is indicated is a maximum fee. So at most here, it is going to cost me 0,54 $ in storage fees but it is possible I will have to pay less + 0.03 $ in gas fee.

5 — Start collecting

You can buy pieces for a fixed price. If you need to buy multiple editions at once, you can use this tool here(indicate the token ID, and start collecting).

You can bid during auctions. If you choose to auction the piece you want to resell, please note that the auction will not appear in your “auctions” tab, which only shows the active auctions on your pieces. It will appear on “auctions” tab on the page of the artist who created it.

You can also make offers. If you make one, remember that offers don’t get cancelled automatically after some time. You will need to cancel your offer if you change your mind and you want to get your XTZ back.

As soon as you make the offer, the owners of the piece will see the offers in their notifications tab, if they enabled the notifications,

Note: if someone makes an offer for 1 XTZ for example, and the piece is listed for a fixed price for 1 XTZ as well, the offer will not be accepted automatically, the owner will need to accept the offer.

6 — Add your information to your objkt profile:

Please click here to learn how to add information such as your name, Twitter, a profile picture.

Please note that you may see “n/a” on your account the first time you “sync” your wallet. When n/a is displayed on your profile, it means that you haven’t started collecting or creating NFTs. Once you start an activity, the data will appear on your profile.

7 — Get a short profile URL

You would need to buy a tezos domain to do this. Learn more here.

8 — Send pieces to other users:

Click here for the tutorial.

9 — Receive Telegram notifications

If you want to be notified on your phone when you sell, when someone places an offer on your objkt, when an artist you follow mints, etc. you can use a Telegram bot which will send you notifications in real time:

10 — Be safe

Please see the steps here to learn how to use a Ledger with Temple wallet.

Click here to see all the articles which will be useful to you.




I am the curator for I wrote the articles here to explain how I use objkt with simple words. But for any tech support, please ask on the Discord :)