[Day 7] Daily UX Writing Challenge: Sports Update

Melanda Utari
2 min readSep 22, 2022


Scenario: A sports fan is at a wedding while their favorite team is playing against their arc-rivals. Their team scores.

Challenge: How would you, quickly, let the sports fan know about the latest play, the current score, and the key players?

Headline: 30 characters max

Body: 45 characters max

Gathering The Context

From the brief, I assumed that the users didn’t open the app when the notification appeared. Therefore, I’ll choose to use push-up notifications for this challenge. In the push-up notifications, it’s important to grab users’ attention at first glance so they won’t skip it since we’re competing with other notifications.

Here is the information that needs to be delivered for today’s challenge:

  • The favorite team of users was playing again their arc-rivals
  • Their favorite team scored
  • Tell users about the latest play, current score, and the key player

Crafting The Copy

Version 1:

Ujang berhasil bobol gawang [Tim Lawan]!

Skor unggul 1:0 untuk [Tim Favorit User].

Version 2:

[Tim Favorit] unggul 1:0 dari [Tim Lawan]!

Ujang berhasil bobol gawang di menit 15!


Since the number of characters was limited and I have to quickly inform users about the news, I crafted two copies with different orders and detail. For the first one, I highlight the key player who scored the goal and mentioned the arc-rival team. Then on the sub-copy, I’ll inform users about the current score for the game and their favorite team name.

On the other hand, the order of version 2 was kinda different. I highlight the current score first on the headline, then inform users about the key player on the sub-copy. There I also inform about the time when the key player scored a goal.

The second version provides more information with the same limited character. Therefore I’ll go with the second copy for this challenge.

Final Copy

Thanks for reading. I’d be happy if you were willing to give me some feedback. Let’s connect through LinkedIn!

Also, check this out!

| Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 |

