[Day 8] Daily UX Writing Challenge: Band Concert Notification

Melanda Utari
2 min readSep 22, 2022


Scenario: The user is a casual music fan and (on occasion) goes to live concerts. They have a music player app on their phone.

Challenge: Tell the user that one of their favorite bands is playing live in their town. How would you compel them to want to go?

Headline: 30 characters max

Body: 45 characters max

Button: 25 characters

Gathering The Context

Based on the brief, I had some options to deliver this message on the music app:

  • Ads in between the song (if users weren’t the premium member)
  • Promotional banners
  • Promotional pop-up
  • A special page on the artist’s profile

Since the user is a casual music fan, they maybe won’t go to the artist’s profile page so I’ll choose the promotional pop-up for this challenge to keep them informed about the event.

Important info from the brief are

  • Users’ favorite band will hold a live concert in their town
  • Compel users to go to the concert

Crafting The Copy

DAY6 ke Bandung bulan depan!

Myday udah siap karaoke-an Kongchu?

Pesan Tiket

Ingatkan nanti


Different bands will give a different type of copy since it was really personal. For this challenge, I choose DAY6, South Korean Band from JYP Entertainment. DAY6 is popular with their upbeat music yet emotional lyrics. One of the most iconic parts of DAY6’s concert was when they asked fans (aka Myday) to sing along together with the song Congratulations (fans usually called it Kongchu) while DAY6 played the instrument for them.

The tone that I used for this copy was conversational and friendly. For the headline, I went straight to the point of DAY6 holding a concert in users city (Bandung). Then I created a personalized message for the sub-copy by calling the fandom name and asking them the questions that only fans or people who love DAY6 know. The CTA for the button directed users to book a ticket or do it later.

Final Copy

Thanks for reading. I’d be happy if you were willing to give me some feedback. Let’s connect through LinkedIn!

Also, check this out!

| Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 |

