minerstat mining tutorial #35: Add workers in bulk

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5 min readAug 23, 2019

We have already shown how to use Locator to add ASICs to your minerstat dashboard in bulk. However, our bulk-adding option is not only available for ASICs and importing workers from other systems. You can use it to add any type of workers much faster than with the standard way.

Even if you want to add only 10 workers, this method will come handy as it will really save you time with the clicking and waiting for the system to process it. At the same time, you will have one large overview of the workers you want to add.

Navigate to bulk add option

You can navigate to the bulk add option by following the next procedure.

  1. Open the workers’ list.
  2. Click on [Add new worker].
  3. Find links Bulk import / Bulk add under the [Add worker] button.
  4. Click on [Bulk add].

Add workers in bulk

In this page, you will be able to set the following data for each worker.

  • Name: This field needs to be unique for each worker you will add.
  • Type: Nvidia, AMD, or ASIC.
  • System: msOS, Windows, or any of the specified ASIC manufacturers.
  • IP: Local IP of the ASIC.
  • ASIC username: username for SSH login (if you will be using ASIC Hub (SSH)) or official web dashboard access of the ASIC (if you will be using ASIC Hub (Non-SSH)).
  • ASIC password: password for SSH login (if you will be using ASIC Hub (SSH)) or official web dashboard access of the ASIC (if you will be using ASIC Hub (Non-SSH)).
  • Groups: A list of groups. You confirm a group by pressing space or enter so that the tag is generated.

Each row has 3 different actions on the right.

  • Duplicate: Click on this icon will duplicate the entry and put it in the row below the duplicated row. Be careful as when you duplicate the row, all values will be duplicated, including the worker’s name and IP address.
  • Copy values down: Click on this icon will copy all the values from the row to the rows that are below it. With this action, all values but the worker’s name and IP address will be copied. This is to prevent erasure of the unique values that you already entered.
  • Delete: Click on this icon will delete the row.

Example #1 - Mining rigs

Let’s say that you want to quickly add 10 workers which are all AMD and will run on msOS. Beside standard system and type groups, you also want to have them in a special RX480 group to distinguish them from your other AMD rigs.

Step 1

Edit the first row with the following info:

  • Name: Rig_00
  • Type: AMD
  • System: msOS
  • Groups: RX480
Leave all other ASIC related fields empty.

Step 2

Duplicate the row 9 times.

In case not all groups are duplicated, click on the [Copy values down] button after you make the duplicates.

Step 3

Add a number at the end of each worker’s name, starting with 1 and finishing with 10.

As you noticed, the last worker will be named Rig_010 and not Rig_0010. Such naming is recommended so that when you sort your workers by name, they are actually sorted by name (as we are sorting by letters and not by numbers). If you would name the worker Rig_0010 this rig would be shown right after Rig_001, while Rig _010 will be shown right after Rig_009.

Step 4

Click on [Add workers] and wait for the process to finish.

If your account holds fewer workers than you want to import, don’t worry. You can still import workers and when you have everything ready and prepared, you can place an order.

Example #2 - ASICs

Let’s say that you want to quickly add 10 ASICs which are all Antminers. Beside standard system and type groups, you also want to have them in a special S17 group to distinguish them from your other Antminer ASICs. Let’s say that all of you ASICs are in the local network with IP 192.168.0.* and that you will use ASIC Hub (Non-SSH) with standard web login credentials.

💡 Locator: Don’t forget that we have a really nice Locator software, which will detect all ASICs in the local network and generate a JSON you can use to import your workers to your minerstat dashboard.

Step 1

Edit the first row with the following info:

  • Name: S17_00
  • Type: ASIC
  • System: Antminer
  • IP: 192.168.0.
  • ASIC username: root
  • ASIC password: root
  • Groups: S17
If you are already using specific workers’ names on the pool or have ASICs organized by names, we suggest to use the same workers’ names you already use, so you will be able to take advantage of the (WORKER) tag when managing your mining farm.

Step 2

Duplicate the row 9 times.

In case not all groups are duplicated, click on the [Copy values down] button after you make the duplicates.

Step 3

Add a number at the end of each worker’s name, starting with 1 and finishing with 10.

As you noticed, the last worker will be named Rig_010 and not Rig_0010. Such naming is recommended so that when you sort your workers by name, they are actually sorted by name (as we are sorting by letters and not by numbers). If you would name the worker Rig_0010 this rig would be shown right after Rig_001, while Rig _010 will be shown right after Rig_009.

Step 4

Add a number at the end of each IP to correctly connect worker’s names and local IPs.

The last number of local IPs is not necessarily the same as the worker’s number. It can also happen that the numbers are not following any order. Usually, when you are dealing with a large number of workers, you will name the workers in a way that will include the last number of local IP in the name itself. This way, when you look at the worker, you immediately know on which IP you can find it.

Step 5

Click on [Add workers] and wait for the process to finish.

If your account holds fewer workers than you want to import, don’t worry. You can still import workers and when you have everything ready and prepared, you can place an order.




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