

Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Sanatan Dharma


Patanjali Over-view The Bonding Thread Meaning & Purpose Tradition An Ascent Into Purity Paths to Climb the Peak External Practice Internal Practice Antrays — Intruders in the path of yoga Viksepasahabhuva — Co-existing with mental distraction Chapter 1 Concentration — SAMADHI PADA — A Sample BLOG

* Other Works

Yoga is a living tradition, a set of practices hoary,
These practices but codified by a yogi Patanjali,
In The Yoga Sutras, written in second century,
And has been his gift to the whole of humanity.

The most important teaching of yoga truly be,
With regards to the human nature definitely,
It states that our “true nature” beyond limits be,
Of the human mind and even human personality.

Our human potential is infinite, transcends fully,
Our individual minds and our sense of self clearly,
The purpose of yoga to unite ourselves does be,
With our highest nature — re-integrating universally.

Until re-integration the humans identified sadly,
With limitations of the mind, senses and body,
So subject to sorrow, fear, separation, insecurity,
As we separated ourselves from actual totality.

Today we successful in external achievement be,
We created powerful technologies, product variety,
We obsessed with power, wealth, objects, property,
But missed creating good individual or social harmony.

Around, destructiveness of our weapons we see,
Emptiness of pleasures and entertainment surely,
Misuse of our material and personal resources truly,
Disparities of rich and poor — loneliness, violence be.

We see amid all success in external world clearly,
We accomplished little of lasting value undoubtedly,
Resolution to these human problems will come only,
If we discover within — inner peace, wisdom tranquility.

This attainment is the goal of yoga actually,
For yoga is the practical science positively,
Intended to help human beings indisputably,
Become aware of their ultimate nature finally.



Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Sanatan Dharma

Author: Site Munindra Misra works are on Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) in English rhyme covering Upnishads, Gita, Mantra Chalisa etc,