
Internal Practices

Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Sanatan Dharma


Patanjali Over-view The Bonding Thread Meaning & Purpose Tradition An Ascent Into Purity Paths to Climb the Peak External Practice Internal Practice Antrays — Intruders in the path of yoga Viksepasahabhuva — Co-existing with mental distraction Chapter 1 Concentration — SAMADHI PADA — A Sample BLOG

* Other Works

The four steps of Hatha Yoga prepares certainly,
For the the four internal practices of Raja Yoga truly,
These internal pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, Samadhi,
Fifth step of Raja Yoga, pratyahara — control of senses be.

While we are awake, the mind becomes involved surely,
With events, experiences, objects of external world truly,
Through five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell be,
Mind gathers through these senses, mind reacts externally.

To attain inner calmness, develop ability to voluntarily,
Remove the distractions of the world outside totally,
This is not a physical process but one done voluntary,
A mental process of letting go of concern knowingly.

Our sensory impressions distracting the mind but be,
When we want it to be aware of serenity within truly,
Thus, it is useful to learn the dharana essentially,
Or concentration — sixth step in Raja Yoga surely.

In concentration, spread power of mind coordinated be,
On object of concentration with attention voluntary,
This intended attention uses conscious effort clearly,
By focus, a weak mind is made powerful in actuality.

The seventh step in Raja Yoga - dhyana, or meditation be,
Meditation — result of continued, unbroken concentration be,
Concentration makes mind one-pointed, calm, serene surely,
Meditation expand one-pointed mind to super-conscious truly.

Meditation uninterrupted flow of mind to one concept does be,
When mind expands — conscious to subconscious levels surely,
Assumes super-conscious flow, then knowledge dawns lastly,
All yoga prepares to reach here for peace, perfection, tranquility.

In daily life, meditation can be helpful in eliminating clearly,
Many physical and psychological problems undoubtedly,
A significant amount of disease we experience is actually,
Result of conflicts, repression, distress directly or indirectly.

Meditation helps awareness of these conflicts willfully,
And to resolve them, establishing peace and tranquility,
So, meditation becomes a powerful resource surely,
For facing the challenges of daily life unflinchingly.

We use only a small portion of our real mental abilities,
As preoccupied with confusion, fear, inner conflict we be,
Meditation helps us to overcome these limitations certainly,
To be aware of subtler and more positive powers within truly.

In gaining this awareness, we creative and dynamic do be,
Abilities like intuition, which considered unusual or rare be,
Within potential of all humanity who meditate actually be,
Such gifts to them who make contact with inner aspects be.

Prolonged, intense meditation leads to last step samadhi,
This last step of Raj Yoga the super-conscious state be,
Herein one with the higher Self unquestionably does be,
And transcend all imperfections and limitations certainly.

The state of Samadhi, fourth state of consciousness be,
Which transcends the three normal states definitely,
Of waking, dreaming, dreamless sleep undoubtedly,
Whoever attains samadhi becomes a gift to society.

If ever achieves a more evolved civilization — humanity,
It’ll be possible due to growth, evolution of humanity,
Who in samadhi lives life as natural expression truly,
Of unhindered flow of supreme consciousness only.

This super-conscious level our human essence be,
It beyond all culture, creed, gender, age does be
When we be aware within, our life transformed be,
When we transform ourselves we experience serenity.

With this peace and freedom, we transform surely,
Our societies and all of human civilization certainly,
This awareness of the infinite consciousness be,
The practical and the actual goal of yoga finally.



Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Sanatan Dharma

Author: Site Munindra Misra works are on Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) in English rhyme covering Upnishads, Gita, Mantra Chalisa etc,