
The Bonding Thread

Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Sanatan Dharma


Patanjali Over-view The Bonding Thread Meaning & Purpose Tradition An Ascent Into Purity Paths to Climb the Peak External Practice Internal Practice Antrays — Intruders in the path of yoga Viksepasahabhuva — Co-existing with mental distraction Chapter 1 Concentration — SAMADHI PADA — A Sample BLOG

* Other Works

We outcome, manifestation of absolute condition be,
Must return to our present relative condition surely,
And are but certain of going forward continuously,
To return again to that absolute but undoubtedly.

But the absolute or this state — which better be?
Many think this manifested highest state does be,
Thinkers of great calibre opine that we clearly be,
Manifested specimens of undifferentiated being be.

This differentiated state higher than absolute be,
As in the absolute there cannot be any quality
They imagine it must insensate, dull, lifeless be,
That this life is enjoyed, so cling to it unfailingly.

The Old Solution

Lets inquire into other solutions of life dedicatedly,
The old solution, after death remained same clearly,
All good, minus evil sides, remained forever infinitly,
Logically stated, means that man’s goal the world be.

This world carried a stage higher unquestionably,
With elimination of evils — the state call heaven be,
This theory, on the face of it, ridiculous does be,
This is but immature, because this cannot ever be.

Good without evil, or evil without good can not be,
To live in a world where all is good and no evil be,
This is what Sanskrit logicians call categorically,
Is but just undoubtedly a “dream in the air” merely.

Modern Thinkers

To modern thinkers, ever improving is the destiny,
Always struggling, never reaching the goal truly,
This statement, though nice, also absurd does be,
As there no motion in a straight line can really be.

The Full Circle

Every kind of motion is in a circle unquestionably,
An infinite straight line must end in a circle lastly;
Therefore, the destiny of man progression but be,
Ever forward, never stopping — is absurd surely.

You must not hate but should love unwaveringly,
As, power that leaves must complete circle fully,
All nature forces must return to the source finally,
So hate not as it will come back to you definitely.

If you love, that love will come back to you clearly,
It will also be completing the circuit positively,
All hatred that goes out returns in full force surely,
All love impulses return — nothing changes it truly.


This theory of eternal progression untenable be,
For destruction is the goal of everything earthly.
All struggles, hopes, fears and joys leads finally,
To but death — nothing is so certain as this surely.

Expansion — Contraction

So where is this motion in a straight line truly?
It goes a distance, returns to centre finally,
From nebulæ, sun, moon, stars, produced be;
Then dissolve and go back to nebulæ finally.

The plant takes material from the earth surely,
Then dissolves, gives it back subsequently,
All forms are taken from atoms undoubtedly,
And must go back to the atoms consequently.

It cannot be that the same law acts differently,
Law is uniform, nothing more certain does be,
If this is the law of nature, so it with thought be;
It will dissolve, come back to its origin finally.


So we shall return to the origin accordingly,
Which is called God or Absolute in reality,
We all came from God and all bound truly,
To go to God — call by any name — feel free.

Call Him God, or Absolute or Nature happily,
Or by any name — He the same but does be,
“From whom entire universe comes clearly,
In whom all born lives and returns finally.”

This is certain and Nature works accordingly,
What workes in a sphere, in millions also be,
What you see with planets, same will it be,
With this earth, men and with stars surely.

Huge wave a mix of but the small waves be,
Life of whole world, mixof millions lives be,
The death of the whole world is certainly,
Mixed deaths of millions of beings truly.


Is returning to God, the higher state truly?
They say the present state degeneration be,
For no religion says man improvement be,
The idea — beginning perfect and pure be.

Man degenerates until the bottom sadly,
Then shoots upward to complete circle fully;
However low he goes, he must ultimately,
Take the upward bend, go to source finally.

Man from God in the beginning does be,
In the middle he becomes man visibly,
And in the end goes back to God lastly,
This method, the Dualistic form does be.


In Monistic form you say that man God be,
If our present state but the higher one be,
Then why is so much horror and misery,
If this the higher state, why it end sadly?

Which but degenerates — not highest be
Why it so diabolical, so unsatisfying be?
It excusable if taking to higher harmony,
We pass through it to regenerate only.

A seed in the soil does disintegrate fully,
But from that dissolution comes the tree,
Every seed must degenerate to be a tree,
So the sooner we get out the better it be.

We must pass through marsh of misery,
The sooner we are through, better it be,
But it must always be remembered clearly,
That this is not the highest state certainly.

The difficult part to understand is really,
That this state called the highest truly,
Is not, of zoophite, or stone certainly,
That but a dangerous thing to think be.

Some say there two states of existence be,
One of stone, and other of thought only;
But is there not something infinitely,
Which but superior to thought does be?

Is darkness at end same as start truly?
No, this the difference of two poles be,
Is thoughtlessness of stone same clearly,
As thoughtlessness of God — No certainly.

Beyond Intellect

It is but beyond the intellect in reality
That first stage of religious life does be,
Beyond thought, intellect, reason truly,
First step towards God — start of life be.



Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Sanatan Dharma

Author: Site Munindra Misra works are on Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) in English rhyme covering Upnishads, Gita, Mantra Chalisa etc,