
Antrays — Intruders in the path of yoga

Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Sanatan Dharma


Patanjali Over-view The Bonding Thread Meaning & Purpose Tradition An Ascent Into Purity Paths to Climb the Peak External Practice Internal Practice Antrays — Intruders in the path of yoga Viksepasahabhuva — Co-existing with mental distraction Chapter 1 Concentration — SAMADHI PADA — A Sample BLOG

* Other Works

1. Vyadhi
2. Styana
3. Samsaya
4. Pramada
5. Alasya
6. Avirati
7. Bhrantidarsana
8. Alabdha- bhumikatva
9. Anavasthitatva

Vyadhi — Physical Disease

Vyadhi the first obstacle to the practice of yoga be,
Disease causes disturbance in the mind certainly,
Makes it impossible to practice yoga dedicatedly,
Or any form of physical discipline undoubtedly.

Styana — Mental Laziness

Mental laziness in the human psyche does be,
Makes one desirous of fruits without effort sadly,
Discrimination, will power should cultivated be,
To rid Styana — understand yoga benefits truly.

Samsaya — Doubt

When controlling mind, doubts arise surely,
Mind knows not benefit of concentration truly,
So faith in self, spiritual teacher, books holy,
Is essential — Faith to dispel doubt is necessary.

Pramada — Heedlessness

Pramada means heedlessness unmistakably,
If heedless to cultivate virtues, follow truth be,
Then the practice of yoga is not possible surely,
Lack of vigil leads to fall in spiritual life truthfully.

Alasya — Physical Laziness

Alasya means physical laziness — sloth sadly,
This undoubtedly will attract ills like poverty.
One should involve self in healthy activities
To overcome such unwanted laziness totally.

Avirati — Detachment

Avirati refers to detachment categorically,
To practice yoga, the mind should truly be,
Purified of all material desires completely,
A sense of detachment should cultivated be.

Bhrantidarsana — False Perception

Bhrantidarsana but false perception be,
This leads to self-conceit unquestionably,
This traits not good for anyone does be,
Who keen to practice yogic disciplines be.

Alabdha bhumikatva — Non-attainment of Yogic States

Yogic state non-attainment due to evil affinity,
These should recognized and eliminated be,
By dispassionate, deep introspection clearly,
Otherwise, progress is hindered undoubtedly.

Anavasthitatva — Falling from Yogic States Attained — Instability

Falling from yogic states after reaching truly,
A person who has reached a mental state lofty,
Can slide to slow ruin, with one base action sadly,
So, the actions leading to downfall must rid be.



Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Sanatan Dharma

Author: Site Munindra Misra works are on Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) in English rhyme covering Upnishads, Gita, Mantra Chalisa etc,