Wake Up, Sleeping Wandering Starseed!

Purusha Radha
5 min readDec 2, 2023


I’m painting the picture of the sleeping lost Starseed… There are literally millions of them wandering the planet.

Drawn to the Flame like the moth, they flutter and flirt with the Light.

Some were even awake once upon a time. It’s just that they never fanned the Flame of their true selves. Without audacity and knowing at their backs, they’ve gotten somewhat or way off-track.

A moth flutters near a burning candle flame.

The problem is wandering Starseeds haven’t gotten to truly know who they are. They don’t have a sense of their sovereign Selves.

Maybe it’s because they’re afraid to know their greatness. It takes energy, responsibility and time to completely reveal all of one’s Self. But they’re too caught up in 3D life for that.

These seeds will buy just about anything they read or are told. As long as the voice seems to have authority, they listen.

They spend tons of time on the internet reading what self-appointed prophets predict. And then they run crazy trying to rearrange their lives to suit instead of developing their own power.

The end of the world is happening on Monday. Be sure you have your Bitcoin and food stocks. And then Monday rolls around… and well, you know the rest of that story.

Wandering Starseeds vacillate so much between opinions, they’re in a constant tizzy. They don’t know which end is up any more.

They run, run, run all the time getting nowhere, doing what’s prescribed by a ‘taker of energy’ and getting nothing out of it.

They follow and gobble up the thoughts and opinions of so-called prophets who probably don’t deserve to be venerated in that way.

But how would these seeds know anymore? They’ve lost their ability to discern the truth.

Like anyone, they have lots of life questions. But they can’t fly free like birds and find answers for themselves.

They clipped their own wings a long time ago.

They’re like the birds in the park who beg for food. People oblige them with crumbs and seeds and then the birds can’t hunt for food anymore.

And many an influencer that some Starseeds worship give them exactly the same thing — crumbs and seeds.

The sleeping Starseed doesn’t know how to hunt for truth anymore.

Whenever we give total credence to people we think are better or greater we disable ourselves. Lost and sleeping Starseeds give internet influencers their power and their intellects, in fact, their very souls.

To honor one’s self is fundamental to a free life.

The sleeping seeds aren’t honoring themselves. They’re honoring the agenda.

And then they wonder why they’re miserable. How can you possibly be a joyful happy person if you’re following the prescriptive of another who’s got an agenda?

Whenever lost and wandering Starseeds wonder why their lives are filled with disaster and unhappiness, they feed their disempowering 3D mindset even more. They keep creating more of the same.

The pattern needs to be broken. Starseeds break patterns and smash dogmas.

Sleeping Starseeds haven’t allowed themselves to know who they uniquely are — what makes them tick.

And so they got attracted to people and information without feeling it through for veracity and purity.

Many a predator poses as truth. Wolves in sheep’s clothing say enough truth to lure and hook you. And once they’ve gotten you in their den, you’re theirs.

The unconscious Starseed who can’t feel for the truth falls prey. And then they begin bringing negativity and often darkness into their lives.

Living for all the wrong things, they’re stuck living mundane chaotic lives unable to see there’s so much more behind the curtain.

A woman made of stars

Many wandering Starseeds talk about wanting to live a greater life, but they never ever ever take action.

These are Starseeds in name only. And they’ll lose their Merkabah¹ as a result.

Starseeds live the life. They take action.

Lost Starseeds play right into the hands of the people at the top who rub their hands thinking of all the energy they can take from people. And unconscious seeds seem only too willing to give it to them.

Their souls, though, are crying inside. They’ve allowed their brilliant minds to degenerate with disempowering thinking. And so their bodies degenerate because the body can only respond to the commands we give it.

And all the while some Starseeds wait for the hailed and promised MedBeds.

They give no attention or energy to the healing of their bodies in the Now.

So easy it is to cast aside the Starseed mission of healing. It’s easier to ignore our innate ability to heal and awaken our codes in the way of Yeshua ben-Joseph (Jesus).

Instead they continue to declare:

“Why is everything going wrong for me?”

“Whatever I do, there’s a dark energy following me.”

“Yes, I want to change. I’ll start tomorrow.”

They allow degeneration, decay, drama and strife into their lives.

Wake up sleeping Starseeds!

Many a wandering Starseed recognizes there’s more and that’s a good start.

There are such good souls in the bodies of Starseeds who still sleep. They give to the homeless. They’re kind to the elderly and lonely. They have a lot of Love to give.

But their kind acts and self-talk don’t match up. And so they’ve created a conflict within themselves.

The Universe can’t act on conflict. It’s not going to choose for us. It can’t give us what we say we want while It’s detecting something exactly contrary on the other side of the coin.

Wandering Starseeds can re-channel and amplify their good, loving, kind and compassionate energies. They must use that Light also and equally for their own reawakening and empowerment.

Starseeds are here to use their time and energy for real productivity. If energy is misused or misdirected, we can immediately redirect it to create something wonderful for ourselves and ultimately, the world.

Sleeping Starseeds can fly again as free and sovereign souls. It might take some time to rehabilitate their ‘wings,’ but it can be done. And then, oh so glorious their victories will be!

Transformation is the name of the game here on Earth. And it applies to Starseeds as much as anyone else.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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¹ ‘Mer’ means spinning; ’Ka’ is our spirit essence of Light; ’Bah’ is the soul. Merkabah is the diamond vehicle sacred geometrical transport construct formed by our muliple bodies of consciousness that encompasses our entire being. It remains beautiful and intact as long as we continue to evolve and expand in our spiritual growth and service to others. It not only transports us in our self-projection practice across the planet but through wormholes, warps and other dimensions. By your intention you activate and extend your plasma light Merkabah vehicle — your living organic lightship — and travel within it across time, space and dimension.

