This Is the Equinox Lifetime for the Starseed.

We either create or destroy the ‘star’ this lifetime.

Purusha Radha
5 min readFeb 4, 2024

This timeline we’re living brings us to a pivot point. We began at Alpha at the beginning of the Precession of the Equinoxes. When the Precession comes to its Omega close, a Stargate blasts open to a completely new Alpha once again.

We are bridging time… from this time to future time.

Image created in MidJourney by Purusha Radha

Where we Starseeds go next completely depends on what we create here and now. It depends on our intention and whether or not we follow through on it.

This doesn’t mean we have to perfectly accomplish absolutely every lofty desire we have. We just have to do our very best.

With this high minded intention, we’ll either create the metaphorical star or destroy it.

What is the ‘star?’

You and your birthright are the star.

What is the Precession of the Equinoxes?

The Precession of the Equinoxes is a 26,000 year great cycle of time on Earth.

It’s marked by the way we see zodiacal constellations in the sky over a 26,000 year period. Their positions seem to gradually change as the constellations appear to move across the heavens. Earth is wobbling on its axis which causes the change in positions we see.

There have been many Precessions before, but this one is paramount. It’s called the Great Year because we’ll soon open the door to a completely new Alpha. Earth will be called New Earth — Earth ascended into fifth dimensional Gaia.

What does Equinox Lifetime mean?

Equinox in its simplest terms means the duration of night is equal to the duration of day.

Equinox Lifetime means we’ve come to the space in-between ages and the space in-between darkness and Light.

Spaces in-between are pregnant with mystery, power and all possibility.

In an article about the spaces in-between, I shared that Starseeds must shift from the spiritual to the mystical at this time. When we do, we align with the very essence of this Equinox Lifetime. And it will ensure we move on to even more expansive experiences when this planet ascends.

Many of us have been reincarnating time and again throughout these 26,000 years. We’ve done it to uplift humanity sometimes by offering our talents but most often simply by living life.

Very many of us will move on to even higher realms once Earth uplifts into Gaia. Our new Alpha will probably be different than it is for most people on Earth.

When we pass through the new Alpha Stargate, we’ll experience an indescribably huge contrast. For an instant, we’ll feel the extent of the darkness we’ve had to muddle through since now we’re basking in the greatest of Light.

As with day and night, both Light and darkness are necessary in a universe of duality.

Starseeds are not made from the same fabric of Light that humans are.

Humans are made from a slightly different fabric.

A lot of people say all humans are Starseeds. This isn’t exactly so although they are created by the creator Elohim who reside in the future stars. All humans are indeed made in the image and similitude of their Makers. So human beings look very much like their Divine creators.

Starseeds themselves are members of the advanced creator Elohim races from the future. And we walk among humans, patient and sensitive, doing what we can to increase the Light.

But still we walk the Earth subject to all the seductive trappings that exist here too. We don’t get any special dispensations simply because we opted to come here to serve. The mission demands we play by the same rules as everyone else. It has to be that way for our service to be authentic.

All along the way we’ve often been seduced away from and walled off to our Essence and power. The hope is we find our way back and we very often do. And if it weren’t for the undying support we get from our seventh and twelfth plane existing selves (and brothers and sisters), who knows where we’d be.

Starseeds can be seduced by Earth’s density and the fear of not being able to survive just as much as anyone else.

Some people think Starseeds are angels who can do no wrong. In fact the only people who say such a thing are Starseeds themselves. It’s wrong and it’s arrogant to say that.

I’ve seen people who knew they were Starseeds be terribly abusive, cruel and liars. The low velocity behaviors run the gamut of all kinds of unattractive, if not, ugly deportment.

Even though they know they’re Starseeds they choose to conveniently forget what that means. They get tangled up in the absurdities of third dimensional (3D) life.

I offer this story to show that Starseeds can become very seduced and fallible even to the extreme:

My employer recently discovered his bookkeeper, a Starseed and my 20-year-long friend, secretly swindled about a million dollars from the company. All through our relationship she never gave any of us reason to suspect this, although we look back now and see the red flags. (As an aside, don’t overlook red flags when you first see them!)

She’s been serving a state prison sentence for two first degree felony counts.

We could look at this story as a really potent example of a Starseed gone wrong. At the same time, her story isn’t over yet.

A Great Master once told me the most spiritual lifetimes are the ones that involve the most suffering and pain.

On the surface, they look one way. People can look like they’re messing up all over the place. But underneath it all runs a golden thread of great mystical opening, potential and power.

The important thing is that we steer clear of the seductions of life designed to pull us down.

We must keep ourselves focused on a high Ideal that matches with this Equinox Lifetime.

If you’re reading this, you have the consciousness needed for this Equinox Lifetime.

A lot of us get down on ourselves for the mistakes we’ve made especially since we know we’re Starseeds. Looking back we wish or think we could’ve done better. And while that’s partly true, our errors of the past were so very necessary.

They were the only way we could learn about ourselves and how to become.

And when we return to our home worlds we return bearing gifts. We go home with all sorts of Light codes we’ve gathered from the Living Library of Earth. And we got them simply by living life here full out — mistakes and all.

If we’d had a higher consciousness in the moments of our errors, of course, we would’ve done differently.

The point is, we have the consciousness now.

The Great Year has arrived at its zenith — the Equinox Lifetime — the most mystical of lifetimes.

You can tell this is true just by looking at the outrageousness of the world right now.

Our timing is impeccable. We’re fully awakening right in time for the ending of the Precession of the Equinoxes.

And in our brilliance, we planned it this way all along.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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