Create Your Own Get YouTube Done NOW VIP Intensive Weekend or Week: 8 Articles & Mini-Lessons Video Playlist to Help Small Channels Set Up for Achieving Their Maximum Success, Monetization & More

6 min readSep 25, 2022


Photo by Azamat E on Unsplash

Getting YouTube Done NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m excited to share the knowledge in this article with you because I believe it will serve small YouTube channels at the highest levels for learning how to best maximize their growth, potential and so much more.

Do you find it hard to be consistent with your YouTube Channel or just desire to get more out of your channel?

Are you an emerging YouTuber with a channel that has less than 500 subscribers or you’re in that space between 1000 subscribers and struggle to grow or monetize your channel?

If you fit into any of those categories, this article is definitely for you.

Accurate preparation and affluent master planning are the key core elements of laying a solid foundation for success with YouTube. This article includes eight articles to help you become knowledgeable for achieving massive growth in a holistic way for your small channel.

Before I invite you to explore those articles, I would like to share some benefits of creating your own customized Get YouTube Done NOW Intensive.

One of my favorite signature formats for working with others and even taking myself through processes is in the VIP Intensive styles. I love having blocked out focused time where I can work on specific areas and create massive momentum in my success set ups.

Because people have different schedules it’s best when they can carve out the right amount of time for themselves to work on the highest priority areas for life, career and more.

With having a YouTube business, I find Get YouTube Done NOW VIP Intensives to be not only essential but extremely vital and valuable for success as it relates to consistency, monetization and more.

VIP (Very Important Project/Process) Intensives allow us to achieve greater success than if we were just working away at something bit by bit in our everyday affairs. When we work in intensive formats whether it’s a weekend or week, pretty significant things start to occur.

I’ve found it to be very beneficial to create production and pre-scheduling intensives. Within one weekend or a week, I create my base content of short-form videos in batches and pre-schedule them. Then I start on my next level master plan.

All of this helps me to stay consistent because I’ve already done the work required for the channel’s steady stream of content flow for a duration of time. This way I can focus on other areas such as working on and/or serving in my business more effectively without struggling to produce or post content.

Some of you might consider doing a content development and scripting intensive. I’m more into the impromptu video-preneurship so I don’t really do any templates or scripting; however, I do recommend it. I’m more of a master prep-planner of having things in a certain order so that I can jump in at any time I feel inspired to shoot a few YouTube Shorts, teach a mini masterclass training or create a Lumen5 short-form video lesson or promo.

Formats to Consider…

Weekend Intensive…

2 VIP Half Days of 2 1/2 to 3 hrs. with two 5-to-10-Minute Breaks


2 VIP Full-Days of 5 to 5 1/2 hrs. with two 10-to-15 Minute Breaks & 30 Minutes Lunch

Week VIP Intensive…

5 Mini VIP Days of 1 to 1 1/2 hrs. with no breaks

5 VIP Half Days of 2 1/2 to 3 hrs. with two 5-to-10-Minute Breaks

5 VIP Full-Days of 5 to 5 1/2 hrs. with two 10-to-15 Minute Breaks & 30 Minutes Lunch

You can always customize accordingly. These are just examples.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Let’s Set Up Your Experience the “Write” Way VIP Intensive Jump-start

The first initial VIP Intensive that you should set up for yourself is outlined below. You can take a weekend or week to complete this process and then begin to set yourself up for the REAL DEAL Get YouTube Done NOW Intensive.

  • Read/Listen to Articles & Watch Mini Lessons & Write Down Notes: Taking the time to read/listen to the articles and watch the short form video’s playlist and recording notes will be extremely beneficial. This helps not only your knowledge building but also you master planning initiative. You will be clear about the most important areas to focus on first.
  • Plan on Paper: Get a planner, notebook or journal to write down your brainstorms, make a to-do-list(s), notes and master plan. You can go back and put your plan in an online format afterwards. There’s something about writing things down that creates such a powerful intention of seriousness, commitment and honorability for the process.
  • Get On Calendar: After you’ve made a plan it’s time to get on calendar and schedule your intensive. Goals and plans without a date rarely come into fruition.

Additional Preparation…

I recommend doing prep-work for your meals, breaks and/or whatever other areas that are in need of organization so that you create the best experience for maximizing your time, productivity and results.

These are the basics of getting started with setting up your Get You Tube Done NOW Intensives. If you would like help creating your customized intensive or desire to experience going through your own process with guidance from what stood out to you from the articles and playlist below, I currently have a few slots available for Customization Style Get YouTube Done NOW! VIP Days, Weekends & Weeks Intensives. I also offer Get YouTube Done NOW VIP Days Master Planning Intensives & Mini VIP On-Air Workspace Planning Sessions. See information below.

Are Your Ready to Read, Listen & Watch?

Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Enjoy & Best Wishes Towards Your Success…

Create Massive Momentum & Marketing Magic with YouTube Shorts & Other Short-form Videos for Channels with Less than 100 Subscribers

Nonlinear Business Growth Tips for YouTube Channels with Less than 200 Subscribers

Focus on Figures, Not Just Followers: How to Successfully Set Up Your YouTube Channel for Profits & Not Just Popularity with Under 300 Subscribers

Revenue Recognition Your Way on YouTube: The Art of Creating Monetized Success Customization with Less than 400 Subscribers

YouTube Revenue Your Way: Creating Customized Monetized Success with Less than 500 Subscribers

5 Things You Should Know About Profitable Shifts for YouTube Channels for Business

Why You Don’t Actually Require Subscribers to Monetize Your YouTube Channel; However, It’s Best to Gain Several Followers for a Better Social Media Appeal & Presence

Faceless Videos Are Becoming a Big Thing on YouTube & This Isn’t New

YouTube Your Way Mini Lessons

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I hope that these articles served you at the highest levels for Getting YouTube Done NOW experience. I would love to hear about your experience with the overall process.

Listen to a Get YouTube Done NOW Workspace Session… Get YouTube Done NOW! On-Air Workspace Session with AliNICOLE WOW! Featuring Gina Gardiner PT1 — YouTube

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, other VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email

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