I Became the New NOW High-End Industry Standard Communications Authority for Solo-Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Coaches & More

4 min readJun 25, 2023


Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

The ability to be an effective communications authority in this new business era is vital. It’s not enough to just be skilled in communications, you must become the new era industry standard of communications in your primary era of expertise.

One of my primary areas for setting a new era industry standard is in high-end models for solo-entrepreneurs, small business owners and coaches in this NEW NOW business norm.

My signature work, Commissioned to Communicate, I share the three core areas of effective communications by way of the writing, speaking and BEINGNESS. Communications is more than just oral/spoken articulation. Everything we write is a form of communications. How we show up in our essence is communication by way of BEINGNESS. Therefore, we have to BE the new industry standard in all that we do as communications in motion. You can check out my resource here…Commissioned to Ignite the Masses & Communicate Your Brilliance.

This article will provide other articles that demonstrate how I’ve carved out a new high-end brand expression with cross-functional models that allow total brand and empire expression through cohesive holistic frameworks for new high success. You get to see my communications authority via writing, speaking and my empire way for BEINGNESS through brand expression for high-end work through multiplicity-preneurship.

Click the titles to read these three articles to gain more understanding of these models.

Here’s another related article for you to enjoy…

If you would like to explore a few jump-start models that help you to bridge into the new now high-end models, click the titles and enjoy the free YouTube video trainings and masterclasses….

* Multiplicity Entrepreneurship The New Normal

* Multilevel Mastermind Models Mastery

* The Lucrative Coaching Model Reset: 5 Key Models To Leverage For Restarting Your Coaching Practice

* Creating a Virtual VIP Intensive Business Model Made Easy

* The Ultimate Evergreen Journey Automation Blueprint Masterclass

* The Art Of Broadcasting YOU! The New Brand & Business Communications Factor Masterclass

* Highly Sensitive to High End The “Write” Way For Emerging Empaths-preneurs

I also communicate my new now high-end industry standard authority on my Facebook page New NOW High-End Industry Standard Communications and podcast series (playlist coming soon).

Here a several articles for you to see demonstrations of my new high-end industry standard authority. Click the titles to enjoy…

I hope the content of this article was empowering and valuable for the next level of possibilities for leveling up to become the new industry standard communicator for your market. I would love to hear how it served and/or inspired you.

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email wowshedoesitallmedia@gmail.com

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at https://linktr.ee/majestyalinicolewow




THE MULTIHYPHENATE MAGNATE EMPIRE AUTHORITY, CEO of MAJESTY ALL-MIGHTY WOW! SHE DOES IT ALL, 500+ Digital Products at https://majestyalinicolewow.gumroad.com