volatile keyword in Java

why, when, and how to use it

Alexandru Nastase
3 min readNov 8, 2022


Modifiers are specific keywords present in Java using that we can make changes to the characteristics of a variable, method, or class and limit its scope. Java programming language has a rich set of Modifiers.

Modifiers in Java are divided into two types Access Modifiers and Non-Access modifiers.

Non-Access modifiers

Non-access modifiers provide information about the characteristics of a class, method, or variable to the JVM. Seven types of Non-Access modifiers are present in Java. They are –

  1. final
  2. static
  3. abstract
  4. synchronized
  5. volatile
  6. transient
  7. native

This article will go into the details of the volatile keyword. Let’s explore first, why do we use it, when should we use it if we decide to, and last but not least, how to use it.

the WHY:

The volatile keyword in Java is used to mark a Java variable as “being stored in main memory”.

Every thread that accesses a volatile variable will read it from main memory, and not from the CPU cache. This way, all threads see the same value for the volatile variable.

The volatile keyword can be used with variables of any kind, including primitive types and object references. When used with objects, all threads will see the most up-to-date values for all fields in the object.

The volatile keyword is often used with flags that indicate that a thread needs to stop running. For example, a thread might have a boolean flag called “done”, and when another thread sets this flag to “true”, the first thread will know to stop running. Without the volatile keyword, the first thread might keep running indefinitely, because it would never see the updated value of the “done” flag.

There are other uses for the volatile keyword as well, but this is one of the most common. In general, if you need to make sure that all threads see the same value for a certain variable, then you should mark that variable as being volatile.

the WHEN and HOW:

1. volatile field

In the above example, we are creating instance lazily at the time the first request comes.

If we do not make the _instance variable volatile then the Thread which is creating the instance of Singleton is not able to communicate to the other thread. So if Thread A is creating Singleton instance and just after creation, the CPU corrupts etc, all other threads will not be able to see the value of _instance as not null and they will believe it is still assigned null.

Why does this happen? Because reader threads are not doing any locking and until the writer thread comes out of a synchronized block, the memory will not be synchronized and value of _instance will not be updated in main memory. With the Volatile keyword in Java, this is handled by Java itself and such updates will be visible by all reader threads.



Alexandru Nastase
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