
May’s ‘Dancing Through Life’ Newsletter — Looking for Writers

Vera-Marie Landi
Dancing My Way Through Life
Sent as a


3 min readMay 6, 2024


Publication still going strong — looking for new writers with new stories or old stories!

Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

There are quite a few of you guys now who follow me, read my lists, and/or receive an email when I write.

So — I’m going to ask you all to either write a story or send me an old one, if you can — about dancing— whether you dance or danced or want to dance, or a story about someone else you know.

Don’t have a dance story? Do you have one about exercise? I had a few funny experiences in aerobics classes and gym classes — have you? Have you written one yet? Do you have time to write a new one?

Or walking — lots of adventures on my walking trips! Do you have one of those?

We all have lots to do

Other pubs to write for — lots of reading on Medium — and, of course, we all have a life which involves any number of things — and maybe we danced? Or exercised?

I seem to write less this time of year as now I can go outdoors more often and do some gardening, increase my walking from one time a day to two, and prep for vacation.

But, I did manage to get a few new stories for this publication out last month, and working on a new one for May.

Hope you enjoy them. The first one is icky; the second one is hilarious.

New April stories:

A Toe Catastrophe During Dance Class — Here’s a class I’ll never forget, and neither will the parties involved!

A Gnarly Jar Gets the Better of Me — Oops, there’s nothing worse than getting body parts caught in things they shouldn’t get caught in.

Some older stories

The Night the Nudists Came to Dance Class — Dressed! — Maybe it was best not to know they were there, because we surely didn’t act very professional that night.

Forever Seeking Teachers for My Dance Studio — Students come and go, and so do teachers. Finding and training new ones led me down some strange and interesting paths.

Teaching Teens to Dance Was Not in My Wheelhouse, Until It WasI almost turned down an opportunity I’ll never forget.

An animal encounter while walking!!!!

An Electronic Fence Was the Only Deterrent Between Us — I love to walk, especially in the evening hours, but not every creature is happy with me walking past their territory.

How to Submit a story:

New story

Ask to be a writer for this pub in the comments section below. Then write your story and submit the draft to me. Please read the Guidelines first, and use the Topics: Dancing Through Life, and then either Dancing or Exercising.

Already-published story

Medium story only — open the story you wish to send, copy the URL at the top of the page, and send it in the comments below.

Dancing has been one of my passions in life, and though I’m coming up on 79 next month, and had a setback last October, I have every intention of continuing to dance as long as I could walk.

So — let’s hear your story — good, bad, funny, embarrassing, anything related to dancing, exercise, aerobics — not sure, just ask.

Thanks so much for reading!

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  • NEWSLETTER: I’m told there’s an option on my publication to receive Newsletters? I don’t know, I can’t see it as I’m the author, I’ve been told. If anyone does see it, let me know, please.

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Happy Reading, feel free to respond.



Vera-Marie Landi
Dancing My Way Through Life

I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and working on 3 pubs: 'Dancing My Way Through Life,' 'Digging Up Bones,' and 'Women Who Use Tools.'