Top Stories published by Foursquare in 2012

Open-sourcing our dashboard for Apache Oozie

At Foursquare, we use Apache Oozie to manage the scheduling and control of our offline data processing workflows. We’ve had great success with the project, and we run upwards of 1000 Oozie workflows per day.

Machine Learning with Large Networks of People and Places

I recently gave a talk at foursquare HQ for the New York Machine Learning Meetup. Here’s the abstract, with the slides below. Hope you enjoy!

Stability in the midst of chaos

I gave a talk at MongoNYC (video here!) about how we’ve built resiliency into our Mongo clusters on top of a volatile hardware environment.

We currently run all of our hardware infrastructure on top of Amazon’s EC2 platform. EC2 has allowed us to…

Checking in at the movies? Here’s how to never miss an after-the-credits teaser again.

The latest addition to the connected apps gallery is a perfect example of how a little bit of information at the right time can make all the difference. Now when you check in to a…

These were the top 10 stories published by Foursquare in 2012. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2012 by using the calendar at the top of this page.