Here’s to a Mentally Healthy 2017

By: Bee Martinez and Nick Ma

A handy resource to keep around whenever things seem to be getting out of hand for you or for someone you care about.

Don’t Take Away My Routine (Or Demand Too Many Changes At Once!)

By: Steve Thomas, M. Sc.

For our #AutismAwarenessMonth series, we gladly and gladly share a post from the Autism Worlds-Eye Blog.

World Suicide Prevention Day

By: Andrea Baumann Kim

Don’t just tweet a suicide helpline or post one on social media. Real conversations with real people are needed.

6 Unexpected Mental Health Challenges I Went Through While Getting a Green Card

By: Bee Martinez

Getting a Green Card is financially draining and legally complicated. Have you thought of how it…

I’m not well and insecurities I’ve felt side hustling

By: Julia Nguyen

Side hustling is really just hustling, and it’s a lonely battle with self-esteem on social media

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if me
Open source mental health communication app to share your stories with loved ones. Available in several languages including Spanish! New contributors welcome 💜
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