A Race with No Winner

Let me ask you a question.

Jerome K.
3 min readJun 23, 2024


Photo by Austris Augusts on Unsplash

What race has no winner?

Throughout my life, I have been in my share of races as well. Most notably with no air as I my body is under a body of water.

Swimming was my sport of choice during my childhood years. From fifth to eighth grade, I was constantly meeting the cool water of the pool and the smell of chlorine.

However just like how the world froze in 2020 due to the sudden virus, I too was stuck. Stuck at home with nothing to swim on but my own bed.

Missing the Trophies

Photo by Ariel on Unsplash

During my time in the water, I did not swim as fast as a submarine nor my other fellow swimmers. In my head, I had already a disadvantage as the dolphin people who swam beside me began their journey when they were mere calves (baby dolphins).

I didn’t miss my trophies during the COVID pandemic as I never got any. This is where a little fire sparked inside my body. The desire to compete and win.

I believe all of us has had this moment.

One where we should believe at all cost.

To Win is to Live

Since the caveman ages, humans have been programmed to fight. In order to gain food to eat, water to drink, and a shelter over one’s head…one had to fight.

Photo by Sumit Mangela on Unsplash

It was survival of the fittest.

Today is that really who we should live though? Hungry to serve ourselves, to fight others for one’s benefit, and to trample over others.

Not a Race

To answer the question I stated at the beginning of this, its life.

To me, life is not a competition nor a race. Believing that it is a race will not get you anywhere as it has no winner.

Life is not place on a track where everyone is running in one direction with whoever wins first achieves happiness in life.

A Blank Sheet

Photo by Lumitar on Unsplash

Each of our lives are like a point in a blank sheet. To me, we are little dots slowly moving towards a certain direction. No one starts at the same point nor ends at the same one. We each have our own lines that can be crooked or curved but it’ll never be a straight line.

We each have our own directions but never a designated end point as our end will be a responsibility of ourselves.

When we think of life in that way, it is not a competition at all. It will feel like we are in a world where we all have our separate journeys helping one another in our own pursuit of our own defined happiness.

To traversing life together

— Jerome K.

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