Top Stories published by In Front Of Your Nose in August of 2007

Collaborative press release writing

Having just installed the new Documents app on Facebook, I was reminded that this kind of collaborative doc sharing has been around for a while ie Google Docs. On the surface, you’d have thought it is the kind of thing that PR companies might make routine use of for…

UK Print Media “not dead” shocker: Peter Kirwan

The latest issue of Peter Kirwan’s FullRun newsletter is bursting at the seams with good material.

However, his piece on the audience breakdown of leading UK national newspaper websites really does have some big…

Astronaut, not PR, number 2 choice of career for UK jobseekers

It (sort of) says here.

In fact, PR doesn’t appear anywhere in the list of 10 ten jobs.

Running your own business is number one.

Top UK PR agencies caught editing client entries on Wikipedia

Front page piece from today’s PR Week which claims that: “PR agencies are flouting Wikipedia rules demanding they do not edit the site. At least six of the PRWeek top ten UK agencies have edited the site in the past year…

Happy birthday CD — the format that killed the music industry

The BBC runs a piece today about the 25th anniversary of the CD, saying “it remains the dominant format in spite of the growth in digital downloads.”

Farewell UK tech PR and journalism — the debate

My earlier post regarding the future of UK tech PR and journalism has certainly stoked up plenty of comment both here and over at TWL. I’ve just posted a comment at TWL’s place, but I thought I’d repeat it here — regular readers will note that I’m…

90pc of PRs say online coverage has become more important in the last 12 months

Says a new survey from Webitpr.

But more important than what? Print media?

As we’ve said before, some semblance of balance needs to be maintained on the online vs offline press coverage debate.

Self-facilitating media node

That’s what my friend Fiona Campbell-Howes described me as on a recent Facebook wall post.

She was referring to the the number of news links I post on my Facebook profile. It actually doesn’t take long to do — a combination of Google Reader and the…

These were the top 10 stories published by In Front Of Your Nose in August of 2007. You can also dive into daily archives for August of 2007 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

In Front Of Your Nose
Andrew Bruce Smith on social media, analytics, SEO, PPC and PR
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