How does Kubernetes work internally?

Learn how Kubernetes works like orchestration, scaling and pod management to make most of it



How does Kubernetes work internally?

Hello folks, Kubernetes has revolutionized the management of containerized applications, providing developers and DevOps teams with a robust platform for orchestrating and scaling their workloads. Understanding how Kubernetes works internally is essential for leveraging its capabilities effectively.

In the past, I have shared why every developer should learn Kubernetes and In this article, we will delve into the inner workings of Kubernetes, exploring key concepts such as orchestration, scaling, process management, and more.

This is also an important interview questions for both Developers and DevOps as Kubernetes or K8 is now a days become an essential tool for deploying your app in Cloud.

If you are preparing for interviews then you will be glad to know that, I have shared several resources for Java interviews like 21 Software Design Pattern questions, 10 Microservice Scenario based questions, 20 SQL queries from Interviews, 50 Microservices questions, 60 Tree Data Structure Questions, 15 System Design Questions, and 35 Core Java Questions and 21 Lambda and Stream questions , if you haven’t checked them yet, I suggest you to look at the them before…




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