Editor’s Picks: Top March Articles in Modern Women

Check out our favourite reads from this past month

Megan Llorente
Modern Women


Photo by George Milton from Pexels

It’s exciting to see the momentum building at our Modern Women publication. More and more women readers and writers are finding us every day!

Here are our stats for March:
- 17,490 minutes read!

Modern Women Publication Updates

Please give a welcome to Jenny Starr✨ for joining E.S. Yates and I as Co-Editor for Modern Women! About Jenny:

Jenny Starr is transgender woman who enjoys reading and writing stories that celebrate life in all its expressions. She has a contagious sense of adventure mixed with a curious wonder about the world around her, both seen and unseen. She is excited to bring her talents to the articles of MW and to help us grow as a community.

Zoom Mixer

We held our last Modern Women Mixer on March 13 where Delia Pena-Gay, Nicole Dake, Sandy Maximus, Araci Almeida and Megan Llorente joined! You can catch the replays of all our mixers on our YouTube channel.

Our next Modern Women Mixer will be later in April on Sunday, April 24 at 10 am PST (Los Angeles) / 1 pm EST (New York) / 6pm BST (London). Click here to register.

Writing Prompts

For writing prompts, 6 writers shared their Pandemic Story in March. Our next writing prompt for April is My Guilty Pleasure.

Friendly Reminders to Writers

When submitting to Modern Women, a friendly reminder to make sure you have private notes turned on in your settings. We use these to share important feedback.

We’d also love it if you used one of the following tags to organize our stories: Self, Relationships, Motherhood, Careers, Society, Self-Promotion.

Erin’s Top Picks

I have admittedly been a bit M.I.A. this month due to personal and family issues, but I’ve still found a bit of time to peruse the ever-increasing number of submissions we received this month. It’s so heartening to see how many new writers are finding our pub, and how many are submitting multiple inspiring and informational articles! Here are just three of my favorite from the month of March:

My Pandemic Story: An Unexpected Gift by Allison Ditmer

Allison’s pandemic story about leaving a career to focus on being a mom during lockdown spoke to me because it is almost word-for-word my own story. A two-year pandemic required a lot of people to make big changes, and mothers like Allison and myself made a lot of life-changing decisions that will continue to affect us and our families for years to come.

Perfect Girl In An Imperfect World by Poorva Misra-Miller

This is a great article about toxic perfectionism in our modern culture and how it adversely affects women in different ways and at different ages. This spoke to me as someone who used to be a high achiever in my younger years. As I have gotten older and wiser, I have learned some of the lessons that Poorva details in her article; accept things the way they are, imperfections and all, rather than always hoping and waiting for perfection to come.

“Help” In Motherhood Needs To Be Normalized by Ashley Alt

Ashley submitted a very well-written article about a topic I’m sure a lot of mothers feel very deeply about: asking for help and how it makes us feel. She addresses the shame and guilt associated with asking for help in today’s culture, and helps us understand why asking for help is something to be proud of.

Megan’s Top Picks

I love it when women speak up and share their truth. It doesn’t have to be your truth too, but it’s always admirable to see others make bold statements about what is important to them. I truly enjoyed reading these differing perspectives of these 3 women:

Excuse Me, I’m Not A Mother. Can I Complain About My Life? by Lila Juno

Lila talks about the comparisons that are always made between mothers and non-mothers. She shares her story about others minimizing her challenges just because she’s not a mother. I love her bold question:

“Why should I lose my right to speak out just because I don’t have a child?” — Lila Juno

In Protest at all this Strong Women Bullshit by Susie Kearley

Susie shares her perspective about how pushing for women to always be strong can actually be counterproductive too. I love her take that “We don’t all have to be fighters.” — Susie Kearley.

Not All Men Can Fight; Not All Women Need to Be Saved by Araci Almeida

My dear friend Araci writes a bold perspective about “martial law” in Ukraine and “that this law is conservative, sexist, and anti-feminist.” — Araci Almeida. I have always admired Araci’s willingness to question society.

We look forward to another awesome month at Modern Women. Thank you all for being a part of our community!

With love,
Megan & The Modern Women Team



Megan Llorente
Modern Women

Love is the answer ❤️ Certified Coach, Children’s Books Author, Avid Entrepreneur. Creator of 2 Pubs: Modern Women & MIDFORM. Find me @ Meganllorente.com