Rub’s January 2016 movie micro reviews

Ruben Llibre
4 min readFeb 1, 2016


Or how to start the year with some pretty solid movies

Recommended to watch:

First up, out of the 8 movies seen this month, this ones i recommend watching just cause:

  • Mistress America
  • What we do in the shadows
  • The Big Short
  • Locke


Disclaimer and Legend:

* Movie name links to imdb when possible. IMDb/Rotten Tomato scores are from when i wrote the review so they might differ when you read.

* Stars are granted on a 5-star scale and are not meant to be compared universally but (perhaps) with equally themed movies. 5 stars for a romantic comedy doesn’t compare to 5 stars on a action movie; genre and purpose matter.

* A “+” in a star scale means it’s better than equally starred movies it may contend with. Ratings are based on my opinion at the moment and may change cause reasons.

When marnie was there (2014) — 103 min (1h 43m) — Animation, Drama, Family

Studio Ghibli kids are always yearning for something it seems, this one is no exception. Interesting way of unfolding a plot that keeps you guessing just what is going on and who is who.

Good if you like: Studio Ghibli, kid nostalgia, magic tales

My Rating: ★★★✰✰ IMDB: 7.8 ;Tomato: 89

Burnt(2015) — 101 min (1h 41m) — Comedy, Drama

Culinary drama that had a very specific audience i guess. I enjoyed it more than i thought i would so thats that. Some interesting and good looking plates in this movie, mediocre acting though.
Good if you like: Chefs, culinary movies

My Rating: ★★✰✰✰

IMDB: 6.6 ;Tomato: 28

Mistress America (2015) — 84 min (1h 24m) — Comedy

Saw this movie on a “movies you might’ve missed” list. It’s gonna make it into mine for sure. Fun, quirky and full of interesting characters, the only downside i feel is that it plays it very fast and loose with the plot. A good watch.
Good if you like: coming-of-age stories, quirky movies

My Rating: ★★★✰✰+

IMDB: 6.9 ;Tomato: 82

What we do in the shadows (2014) — 86 min (1h 26m) — Comedy, Horror
Vampires… living as flatmates, and all that it implies. Great well-thought characters and interactions. Very fun comedy about the ins and outs of life as a vampire in modern society.
Good if you like: vampires, slice-of-life movies, how-would-it-work-in-real-life movies, british humor

My Rating: ★★★★✰

IMDB: 7.6 ;Tomato: 97

The big short(2015) — 130 min (2h 10m) — Biography, Drama
Wall Street likes to use made-up words to sound (more) complicated and necesary. This movie tries to navigate you to the hard-to-penetrate world of the 2007+ financial collapse, all while including great actors, good stories that weave into each other and based on something real. Movie changes pace and style a lot but its still worth watching if only for the eye-opening feeling it gives.
Good if you like: economy, peculiar characters, understanding more of how wall street operates

My Rating: ★★★★✰

IMDB: 8.1 ;Tomato: 88

Locke (2013) — 85 min (1h 25m) — Drama
Watch this movie right now if you havent. The director and main (only) actor carry the whole weight of this movie into a thrilling real life drama. Never before had phonecalls made me so anxious. Great movie.
Good if you like: good movies (seriously), single character/conversation movies, tense human drama

My Rating: ★★★★★

IMDB: 7.1 ;Tomato: 91

Spanish Affair (8 Apellidos Vascos)(2014) — 98 min (1h 38m) — Comedy
A Very good looking (Seriously what beautiful locations) movie with a very fun (although predictable) plot. More layers of enjoyment and understanding for those that understand the Basque/Spain political situation.
Good if you like: Romantic Comedies, Spain views, stuck-in-a-lie movies

My Rating: ★★★✰✰+

IMDB: 6.6 ;Tomato: N/A

Beasts of no nation (2015) — 137 min (2h 17m) — Drama
Solid horrors-of-war movie with a very unique perspective. Good acting and realism.
Good if you like: war movies, africas-situation movies

My Rating: ★★★✰✰

IMDB: 7.8 ;Tomato: 91

