Top Stories published by The PayPal Technology Blog in 2013

Announcing the new RESTful API Node.js SDK

Since the launch of the new PayPal RESTful APIs, the development teams have been hard at work to provide the development community with new features and ways of working with our new initiatives.

Extending genio

I am a great fan of Khan Academy and use it to learn more about economics and astronomy — subjects that I am far removed from professionally but fields that I find fascinating nevertheless. Khan Academy provides a simple API that is RESTful and uses OAuth 1.0 for authentication. I had been meaning…

Auth / Capture Payment Support Now Available in the New RESTful APIs

Today I am very happy to announce the launch of auth / capture support in our new RESTful APIs! With this new support mechanism, you will be able to hold a portion of funds from a user account (auth) for a period…

Open sourcing genio

The PayPal Developer team strives to build SDKs and Tools that make it easy for developers and integrators to work with PayPal APIs. Our SDKs are designed with a shared core component that handles cross cutting concerns and different API specific components that contain model classes and…

These were the top 10 stories published by The PayPal Technology Blog in 2013. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2013 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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