Embrace Adversity by Connecting Through Common Challenges

Love yourself

Nicole Akers
4 min readMar 24, 2024


Photo by Roman Odintsov on Pexels

In the course of our lives, we encounter moments that test our resilience, challenge our resolve, and push us to grow in unexpected ways. These tough times can feel isolating, overwhelming, and at times, insurmountable. However, it’s essential to recognize that we are not alone in facing these struggles. In fact, many of the challenges we encounter are shared experiences that connect us as human beings.

Lately, it feels like we’re always in some life transition or another. We want to shed light on some common tough times that many of us go through, acknowledging their difficulties while offering insights and strategies to navigate them:

Loss and Grief: Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the departure of a cherished dream, grief is a universal experience.

Mental Health Struggles: Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues can cast a shadow over every aspect of life. Seeking professional help, building a support network, and incorporating self-care practices into daily routines are vital steps toward managing mental health challenges.

Health Issues: Whether it’s a chronic illness, a sudden injury, or a diagnosis that changes everything, health issues can be incredibly taxing physically, emotionally, and financially.

Life Transitions: From starting a new job to moving to a new city, life transitions can be both exhilarating and anxiety-inducing. Allow yourself the grace to adapt to change at your own pace.

Existential Questions: Grappling with the meaning of life, our purpose, and our place in the world is a profound and ongoing journey. While there may never be definitive answers to these existential questions, engaging in self-reflection, exploring our values, and connecting with others who share similar ponderings can provide solace and enlightenment.

Enjoy some of our latest reads:

How Dealing With a Depressed Person Taught Me To Take Care of My Own Sanity by Desiree Peralta

I met Jasmine through a mutual friend at a party when I was in my early 20s. We immediately clicked because we like romance books and the same music, so we decided to keep in touch. → READ MORE

4 Tactics You Can Learn From Consultants to Be Perceived as More Competent by Alex Miguel Meyer

Have you ever feared being called out for being incompetent, unintelligent, or even a fraud?

For consultants, that’s a typical everyday type of fear.

It’s imposter syndrome squared. → READ MORE

Solo Travelling to 6 Countries Taught Me These 6 Things by Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi

This time, six years ago, I was a 21-year-old on a solo trip across 6 countries for 19 days. I can be honest now, having come to terms with my truth after many years of ignoring it → READ MORE

7 Things Men “Really” Wish They’d Done Differently by Gaurav Dahiya

I was sitting in class, age 12, watching my brain cells die.

Ironically I was in the “best class” taught by the “best teacher” in a Southeast Asian country that prides itself on its education system. → READ MORE

What Are the Signs That Your Child Is a Bully? by Ashllyn T. 💐

It’s difficult for any parent to accept when they’re told that their child is hurting others, lacks empathy, or is aggressive. However, the reality is that where we encounter the phenomenon of bullying → READ MORE

Unpopular Opinion: How Perfectionism Can Boost Well-Being & Bring Greatness by Akshad Singi

Most people say perfectionism is bad for you, but that’s a gross oversimplification.

Some of the greatest people the world has ever seen — Leonardo Da Vinci, Steve Jobs, Kobe Bryant, and Novak Djokovic, to name a few — are famously perfectionists. → READ MORE

Do You Buy Into Meditation Myths? Kelly Santana Banks

Throughout the years, I’ve heard all types of stories about the practice of meditation. Comments such as “You need to sit still,” “Meditation is for → READ MORE

How Biases Can Blind You From Having Your Best Life by Elaine Hilides

My Uncle John has taken his car to the same garage for over ten years but told me he must find a new place.

Why?” I asked. → READ MORE

Unveiling the Untold Realities of Adulthood through Journaling by Violet Daniels

I never knew what adults used to mean when they said there was too much to do and too little time to do it.

Or the idea that time would pass as quickly as a blink of an eye, and all of a sudden, everyone you know is changing and aging around you. → READ MORE

Ostara or Easter: 15 Ways to Celebrate the Coming of Spring by Crystal Jackson

I’ve been watching and waiting for signs of Spring all year. Although I know it arrives at the same time no matter how carefully I monitor the weather and growing conditions, I still like to be mindful of those first hints of the season’s change. → READ MORE

Remember, tough times are a part of the human experience, but they do not define us. In sharing our struggles, we not only find solace and support but also strength and resilience. Together, we can weather life’s storms and emerge stronger on the other side.

Sending healthy wishes,



Nicole Akers

Teacher | Happy Mom of 2 brings amazing tips on parenting, learning, & lifestyle | 🐶 Mom | Bestselling Author | Founder of Publishous. Keep that smile.