A Kick in Her Step

“Pull Quotes” of a 4 Year Old: Weeks 17-18

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old


At one of the first events we took her to in our town center, my daughter saw a local troupe of girls perform a traditional Irish step dance. Among the many moves (which range from balletic to modern and include her “hip, hip, hip-hip”), there has always been a little (literal) kick in her step. We surely, at least in part, owe it to that fateful trip to the center of our town.

Speaking of moves, we’re just under a month away from her first ever dance recital 😮😭 for the class she’s been taking (and loving) every Saturday morning. I’m not sure what the bigger mess will be: the wily bunch of 4-year-olds attempting to remember their choreography and their places, the inevitable mob of family and friends in attendance for half the dance center’s enrolled children, my daughter’s former-dancer mother, or me witnessing her first performance ever. It’s going to be something.

Missing “Pull Quotes,” have you? Find more from before:

😀 A Personality (Weeks 1-2) | 😱 A Flair for the Dramatic (3-4)
An Active Imagination (5-6) | 🙋🏻 A Growing Independence (7-8)
A Happy Homelife (9-10) | 💝 A Sweet Heart (11-12)
Her Mother’s Eyes (13-14) | 🚀A Sense of Adventure (15-16)

