“Pull Quotes” of a 2 Year Old: Week 36

…Thank You

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old
3 min readSep 9, 2016


Thank you to the readers and followers of this series (150+ strong). I started this as a writing experiment/ assignment/ commitment without any expectations. It was something to keep me busy between precious father-daughter moments, toddler tantrums and naps. I never dreamed it’d get me a book deal! (Note: I have no book deal. BUT I am not at all averse to the idea. Ahem! Publishers… Call me.)

If you didn’t catch my backstory to this weekly series, read how “Pull Quotes” was born. You might enjoy the behind-the-scenes feature titled Chasing the Magic Moment: Embedded with a Toddler.

Let’s start at the very beginning:

All of Quarter 1 | All of Quarter 2 |
Week 27 | Week 28 | Week 29 | Week 30 |
Week 31 | Week 32 | Week 33 | Week 34 | Week 35

Friday Sep 2

Daughter: Daddy who’s that?
Daddy: (singing) Party people…
Daughter: That’s not party people.
Daddy: (singing) Yeah…

Saturday Sep 3

“Leave that alone, please. Don’t do that again.”

Sunday Sep 4

“Daddy, no scream at mommy again.”

Monday Sep 5

“I kiss Nana. You kiss Papou.”

Tuesday Sep 6

“I have banket, you have banket, we both have bankets!” (blankets)

Wednesday Sep 7

“You have a lot of hair.”

Thursday Sep 8

“I wanna wash my face in the kitchen.”


I am graciously amazed at every view (and recommend) people give this series. I was over the moon to be featured by Medium at the halfway mark earlier this year. And I cannot thank my wife and child enough for putting up with it all (though, really, I’m doing all the work 😉). It is a blast sharing my daughter’s journey and I am grateful to all who are along for the ride.

If you’re happy and you know it,
and you really wanna show it…
hit the ♡ below.

[Editor’s post-script: Read the next in this series below]

Previously on “Pull Quotes” of a 2 Year Old:

Week 1: …The Musical!
Week 2: …The Variety Show
Week 3: …Pants by Sassy
Week 4: …Birthday, Another Day
Week 5: …Snow Week
Week 6: …Her 1st Show
Week 7: …Pink Hearts and PinkEye
Week 8: …And Grew and Grew
Week 9: … Mommy Special
Week 10: …Sun and Fun
Week 11: …Manners and Mommy v Daddy
Week 12: …Say “Ahh!”
Week 13: …Spring Ahead
Week 14: …Pretend Play
Week 15: …Get Up!
Week 16: …Mommy Birthday
Week 17: …One with Nature
Week 18: …Rain Rain, Go Away
Week 19: …A Whale of a Mother’s Day
Week 20: …Two-Headed Monster
Week 21: …A Young Storyteller
Week 22: …A Tale of Two Weekends
Week 23: …Dadding
Week 24: …Father Knows Very Little
Week 25: …Color Me Happy
Week 26: …So You Think You Can Chat
Week 27: …Training Day(s)
Week 28: …Prelude to Vacation
Week 29: …Can’t Stop The Feeling
Week 30: …Throwing Back
Week 31: …Cute as a Button
Week 32: …Two Youths
Week 33: …Precious (and Few) Moments
Week 34: …Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner
Week 35: …Silly Goose

