
Many cells

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children


3 min readMar 11, 2022


Courtesy by the author

The bee-writers have fetched the nectar of their inspiration to make the honey of this publication. Here are twelve cells of the honeycomb :

  1. Be Careful What You Wish For by Ann Litts
    It all started when I retired in 2020. I was driving a lot less and felt relieved my eight-year-old Camry might make it for many, many more years to come. I jokingly stated that as long as she made it until I could collect Social Security — I would be happy.
  2. The Cage Door is Open by Nalini MacNab
    A default choice to remain imprisoned. The jungle cat waits inside its bars to be fed. The elephant remains tethered to a stake it could pull up at any time. Such is the Matrix, and we, those who live within it.
  3. Open Your Eyes to the Skies by Beth Stormont
    Let us open our hearts and our eyes
    to the true victory of love and light
    . . . and to the skies that reveal
    the power and the glory of life evermore!
  4. Why Was I So Full of Fear?! by Beth Stormont
    I was performing my music as I had done
    all my life since age fifteen. . . as my profession!
    Why was I suddenly so full of fear?!
  5. Parallel Lives by Jean Carfantan
    What is the “I”? It is an accretion created by the circumstances of the meeting of consciousness and matter. Consciousness creates a nucleus in order to be able to navigate in the world of 3rd density and with the human society.
  6. Sovereignty by Jean Carfantan
    Sovereignty is the sense of who you are and your boundaries. You are sovereign only of which you are aware. It is a challenge when you are an empath.
  7. We Get Bitter, Or We Get Better by Ann Litts
    We’ve all come across that bitter old Human. The persnickety neighbor, the obnoxious relative, the set-in-their-ways acquaintance. Humans who have allowed their lived experience to twist and tighten around them until all that remains of who they are is pain.
  8. Sovereign Space by Nalini MacNab
    Empathy, for me, has been a constant state of learning what are appropriate boundaries, and what is a waste of energy. What feelings are my own and what ripples belong to others?
  9. Let’s Talk About Tits by Jennifer Tarnacki
    I remember when I was working at a genetics lab at Harvard I had to walk home down a busy Boston street every evening after work. There was a man always on the street corner near the lab, where I couldn’t avoid. ‘Nice tits’. He’d say.
  10. The United State by Jean Carfantan
    We are coming to times when Here and There
    Won’t no more be separated and remote.
    We are coming to times when Time
    Won’t be quartered into past and future.
  11. Freeing the Crazy Wise Woman by Jennifer Tarnacki
    Women talk about healing the historic witch wound, and we talk about sexual and bodily empowerment for healing, but there is something equally as detrimental that we must heal to fully embody feminine energy.
  12. Peace from the Heart by Beth Stormont
    If we are believing accusations — and judging
    and condemning based on what technology
    is revealing to us from only one side of the story
    . . . and feeling intense hatred towards this
    one ‘war-mongering’ man . . .
    are we not aiding and abetting the evils of war
    with every negative emotion possible?



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirator, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to.