My Future Me Thanks me Everyday

it makes me feel right

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children
2 min readAug 4, 2021


Photo by @ramu_aladdin on Unsplash

We go through key moments in which we undergo a shift in consciousness. These key moments build more than others our future. They are prepared before with patient integration and tiny events and initiatives.

These decisions from free will have a strong impact on our evolution.

  1. In Sunrise Through A Small Window, jenine bsharah baines enjoins us to act before we realize when it is too late in this Gaia’s hymn.
  2. In The Tree Chooses you, DL Nemeril relates her communications with yews, the sacred Celtic tree.
  3. In The Silence of the Ages, Beth Stormont tells us that we can listen only with our heart.
  4. In At the Middle of the Bridge, Beth Stormont shares her feeling to be between two realities.
  5. In The Care Bear Stare Feels Wrong, Bingz Huang uses her imagination to empower the healing she gives.
  6. In Human Fabric, Jean Carfantan shares his memory about his father and the precious links weaving our territory disappearing.
  7. In Our Stories, Ourselves, Nalini MacNab evokes her father and all the stories he could write and share.
  8. In Bless Me, Mother, For…, Nalini MacNab tells us about a beautiful healing.
  9. In Realities, Beth Stormont describes the balance between different realities.
  10. In Spiritual, Religious, Metaphysical, Beth Stormont develops each type.
  11. In Responding to Hurt, Beth Stormont asks us if we respond to aggression with our human personality or with the understanding of the soul.
  12. In The Nave of the Yew Church, Jean Carfantan speaks from a sacred spot named the four portals.

You know what ? Our consciousness may travel up and down the time to change our present, the only real moment. We are so rich!



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirator, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to.