Dry July: Keep That Wallet In Your Pocket

And that we did

Livvy Skelton-Price
Sense With Cents
2 min readJul 31, 2024


Sense With Cents logo. Photo by Author.

July has been a great month for us here at Sense With Cents. We’ve had more wonderful people join our publication to write and read all about saving our precious cents.

The economy is not doing so well at the moment and all over the world there are people who are struggling to make ends meet. There is no shame in needing to save your dollars and being tight with your cents.

They’re your cents, after all.

With grocery prices climbing, rent always getting in the way, inflation and big companies/organisations gate keeping little luxuries (Olympics much — I’m not paying $35 to watch!) Times are financially tough.

We all need to pull together to make those cents stretch as far as they can.

This month, we’ve been looking at tips from some brilliant writers, you can check them out here:

Ali Mai shared tips for travelling Prague for less than $10 a day and living life as a minimalist.

Debra Urbacz discussed the impact on wealth, health and the planet that a bicycle can bring.

Nit Arora shared how you can save by discount hunting.

This Is Sophie Today shared how to save money by living sustainably.

Spiritworth wrote about finding discounts while shopping on Amazon.

Claire_Han discussed how to stay money savvy while shopping at sales. Don’t let them dupe you!

Adrienne Beaumont wrote about creating an authentic Italian meal for only $3.83.

Some really great tips from the past month to bring us into August.

Next Month's Writing Prompt: What is one grocery shopping hack you implemented once and have never stopped using?

Mine: I never buy name brands.

Now for a bit of Stats:

We have once again reached over a 50% read ratio which is all down to our amazing writers producing quality work and showcasing their brilliant talents.

And thank you to all the wonderful and supportive readers out there learning about stretching those cents. Thank you for showing up, reading, commenting and clapping on these brilliant articles.

We achieved 431 reads this month which is up from 200 reads last month. That’s a fabulous growth in such a short amount of time. We have 24 writers on board making this publication possible and 36 followers (up from 17 followers last month) — we wouldn’t be able to do this without you. Thank you to everyone for their hard work and support.

We might still be a small publication but the growth is happening and more people are able to join the community of cool as cents savers!

If you’d like to be added as a writer, click anywhere on this sentence. We’d love to have you!



Livvy Skelton-Price
Sense With Cents

Owner of Sense with Cents. Columnist for The Diarist. Follow the tag 'The Netherlands Diaries.' I write about travel and budgets.