Day 9 — Why Einstein never worked at McDonald’s and why you are not making money in your biz

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
4 min readMay 27, 2017

“When all think alike, then no one is thinking.” — Walter Lippman

Before we go ahead let’s clarify the title of this Post.
In theory, Einstein could have worked in McDonalds if you consider that the first McDonalds was open in August 18, 1953 and Einstein died 2 years later ~ Now … the reality is that Einstein would have never been accepted in McDonald’s..

Well if you have creativity, and lateral thinking you clearly don’t fit the ideal CANDIDATE POSITION required by the Recruitment Department at the famous Burger Franchise. Right?

~~~ This is day 9 of a 90 day process. You can read the start of my path here of follow the full story here. ~~~

Lateral Thinking is the most important skill that anyone needs to master towards achieving success.

That’s why I have in my Office a Sign that says




Is doing the same thing

Over and over

AGAIN and expecting

Different Results

A quote from Einstein .

Yes. The more I do this, the more I realize one thing:
As Marketers, Entrepreneurs, Startup founders, Online entrepreneurs… we join the same groups, we believe the same gurus, we like the same videos and most of us FOLLOW IDEAS vs wondering WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON.

We like to comment vs writing. We like to subscribe vs create the subscription channel

The same thing goes with business. People launch businesses following “blueprints” , they are addicted to seminars, webinars, coaches, and the more they follow the less they Think in a different way.


I’m not saying learning from others it’s not useful. IT IS. But our constant laziness pushes us towards avoiding finding an alternative solution to problems.

Cold emailing is DEAD GAB! → FALSE. Think different

You can’t offer FREE web design and make money → FALSE. Think different

You can’t compete vs Neil Patel → FALSE. Think different

You can’t build your audience without paid ads → FALSE. Think different

You need social proof to sell → FALSE. Think different


The different way is what I want.

That way of thinking that challenges me. that makes me scare and that makes you think…. “that guy is crazy”.

Selling, building an agency, becoming an authority online, it’s not about following, it’s about crafting a new system, experimenting with your own tune.

It’s about becoming our own composer.

So….How are things going in Goanna Social ?

This Friday I finished my 1st full week as an Agency owner.

My Agency now has 4 Employees

1 Web Developer — Graphic Designer

1 Virtual Assistant — Market Research (sale)

1 Virtual Assistant

Also I made the official offer to hire my 1st SALES person in Australia — starting very soon.

So so far we are 4… and very soon we will go to 6

What was achieved this week:

Processes are being build

My best friends are now

Wufoo — for form collection

Zapier for the most magical automation — for the most beautify proposal tool ever created

Airtable — Sexy alternative to Google Docs and Excel (so far … cute enough)

and — as a CRM for lead processing

Those 5tools are now part of my arsenal and I’m starting to automate some processes that in a nerdy way — makes me pretty excited.

$$$ Wise, I have closed the $3500 per month and 99% closed I have a $2300 USD on the back…

So good so far… a bit slow ;) but next week, I’m stepping it up: FOR REAL.

Watch me transform my Goanna in GodZilla..

Day #9 Stats Goanna Social

Day #9 Hours worked: 10

Overal Hours worked: 56

Funds: $19355.25 AUD

Spent : $400 (staff)
$55 for

Income : $0
($3500 Invoiced!)

Phone calls: 0 (that was nice!)

Emails sent: 0

FB / Lead generation interaction: 0

Active Leads: 6

Proposals sent: 3

Feeling: Ready for the weekend… and pumped to work more tomorrow

81 days to go.

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Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders