SORA Ecosystem Updates #68, August 31, 2023

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8 min readAug 31, 2023

SORA development status updates are released every two weeks with development updates from across the community. Enjoy the August 31, 2023, Ecosystem updates!

SORA Integrated Plan

You Are Here — SORA Summer Edition (ソラの夏)

Many worlds, one economy.

August 2023 has been quite the eventful month, as a hurricane hits some parts of the world and former francophone colonies in Africa are rising up against their governments due to the people’s desperation enduring regimes of leaders who twist their system to obtain perpetual power, at SORA, we continue to build to improve the world.

Making the world a better place does not mean giving away free money to pump dem bagz into an early retirement. It means equalising the playing field so everyone can have the same opportunities. The opportunity to have education, a roof over one’s head, enough healthy food to eat and never sleep hungry, and the opportunity to be heard and participate in the decision-making process. These may seem trivial to some more fortunate people, but this notion is alien to others and almost impossible for many people worldwide. We aren’t naïve. Indeed, the problems that plague our world will not be solved by throwing money at them. Look at how far the IMF or World Bank have gotten, effectively taking over the countries they “help.” We understand that significant changes come one step and one day at a time, and meaningful change can only come through hard work and sacrifice. “Teach a man to fish,” as they say.

The SORA ethos of funding productive purposes aims to increase human productivity and fairly reward the work done. In contemporary societies worldwide, many people work their hands to the bone, rewarded with scraps, while others proverbially do nothing and live comfortable and privileged lives. This is the status quo and is ultimately what many aspire to; however, building a great human society cannot afford idleness. Work must be done to progress, and we seek to make the process more fair and inclusive. Regardless of where in the world you are, it is possible to access SORA, and we are working to make this access more universal so that more people have the opportunity to have more voices heard and are given the resources needed to turn their ideas into reality. We work for those who keep the world turning and are underappreciated or overlooked. We extended this invitation to the people of Sri Lanka, and we extend this invitation to you as well.

During the second half of August, our focus was on expanding the reach of SORA within the Substrate ecosystem. The SORA Kusama parachain bridge audit is in its final stages, and we are working diligently to address the points raised. We are also preparing to test the finalised bridge on Polkaswap, which will connect the SORA network to the SORA Polkaswap parachain and allow bidding for a Polkadot parachain.

We cordially invite you to participate in the crowdloan through the Polkadot JS interface, Bifrost vCrowdloan, or your favorite Substrate-powered wallet. The reward for each DOT will be 0.0043 XSTXAU, equating to 0.1337gr of synthetic gold. Auction 48 ends on August 31st, while the 49th crowdloan will begin on September 5th. SORA will continue participating in the auctions until a Polkadot parachain is secured.

The SORA Synthetic platform, where the XSTXAU rewarded to crowdloan contributors will be available, is live now on Polkaswap!

An exciting airdrop campaign is ongoing to familiarise you with the benefits of SORA Synthetics (XST) and win a share of $34,000. With 11 synthetic currencies available and more incoming in the next weeks to, SORA Synthetics is the first-of-its-kind synthetics platform in the Substrate ecosystem.

The Order Book feature is completed and is now undergoing benchmarking and final details before extensive testing. The order book features will require extensive testing to ensure no bugs or issues that could cause more extensive vulnerabilities, so your collaboration during public testing will be greatly appreciated.

Please keep your eyes peeled for more developments from the SORA ecosystem for the entire Dotsama, and why not, blockchain space in what we like to call SORA Summer (ソラの夏).

You are now up to date with what has happened in the last few weeks in the SORA ecosystem and the current state of the SORA Integrated Plan. Please stay tuned for upcoming news from all the SORA contributors, and we’ll see you again in two weeks. Let’s get back to work!

*This is not financial advice. Always make sure to do your own research!

You can find the summary of the integrated plan points in the SORA Wiki.

Business Track Progress

  • Polkaswap-as-a-Service — 80%
  • SORA Card — 98.5%

SORA Card’s application email and SMS systems have been updated and are live for new applicants! We are working hard to deliver IBANs soon. Furthermore, we embraced your feedback and are working on an upgrade in the KYC experience and a new feature in the user support flow. Thank you for helping improve SORA Card!

Read the transcript of the recent SORA Card launch AMA in the SORA Telegram chat! For more information about SORA Card, take a look at these articles: Introduction of SORA Card, key features of SORA Card, a comparison between SORA Card and other crypto-powered banking services, an interview with the people behind the SORA Card tech and management, and a recent article on SORA Card Phase One as well as a SORA Card AMA Recap.

SORA Card | Value Freedom

⚙️ SORA Blockchain Update

  • We have released the new wiki to support newcomers, community members, political actors, and builders.

SORA Synthetics

  • Finalised and released 2.0.0 — SORA Synthetics, the platform for synthetic assets
  • We are going through the governance process to register all the 30 new synthetic assets available.

Substrate Bridge

  • Going through a security audit
  • Following up on the feedback and report from the security audit
  • Supporting the front-end teams (Polkaswap, Fearless) on the implementation of the UI for the bridge

Order Book

  • Going through the benchmark process to test the implementation with different parameters and bring the first batch of optimisation
  • The order book is ready to test, waiting to finish testing for other initiatives earlier in the pipeline to be ready for release

Multi-EVM Bridge

  • Optimising smart contracts
  • Working on the fee structure for transfers

📱 SORA Wallet Updates

🚀 Android + 🍏 iOS

  • Released 3.2.0 — UX Improvements
  • Focusing on the next release for SORA Card: 3.3.0 — Basis for Phase 2
  • Working on the release 3.4.0 — Explore SORA Ecosystem

👷🏽‍♀️ SORA Builders Programme News

ADAR Updates

We proudly deployed three releases this month, which include the following features:

  • Mobile Optimization
  • Price Tolerance Slippage
  • Address book feature
  • Google Authorization Feature
  • Backend support for synthetics and real-world assets
  • UI improvements
  • Bug fixes

We continuously strive to add value to ADAR with the core intention to delight and serve your needs.

Best regards,


Find out how the ADAR app works here

Do you like the ADAR app? Do you have any suggestions for improvements or new features? Please complete this survey and let us know what you think about ADAR!

For frequent updates from the ADAR team, join their Telegram group!

Here is the proposal submitted by ADAR. For more information on the Abed Group, take a look at this deck, and to try the version available from the completion of the first milestone, you can visit the ADAR website.

Ceres Updates

  • The Ceres Tools Website update is live! Users can add and save accounts in the Portfolio section. Until now, users had to enter an address every time, but now they can keep multiple addresses in their Portfolio. Feel free to check it out at
  • Android and iOS updates are live. Feel free to update your apps.
  • Also, listening to the community, we’ve updated the Telegram bot (@ceres_polkaswap_bot) to accept commands like it used to in the form of /tokenSymbol, in addition to the already existing new features of tracking the token price changes.

For constant updates from Ceres, subscribe to the Ceres Announcements channel on Telegram.

The Demeter Farming platform is available on the SORA network for users to farm with liquidity pool LP or single-sided staking with interesting APR*. New pools are constantly added, too. Demeter farming is directly integrated into Polkaswap for convenience. For more information, read this Medium article on the Demeter platform.

*Not financial advice. Always do your own research.

🐈‍⬛ SORA Request for Proposal Updates:

Join the Decentralized Development channel on the SORA World Discord.

Thank you for making it all the way here. Your interest is much appreciated. If you are a passionate community member who evangelizes SORA and its supranational cryptoeconomic values to anyone willing to lend an ear, we are looking for you!

If you missed the previous ones: August 18 / July 28 / June 16 / May 31 / May 15 / April 21 / April 10 / March 23 / February 27 /February 9 / January 23 / older Ecosystem Updates are archived here and Dev Updates are archived here

About SORA

SORA is a new economic order for the world, aimed at high growth and empowering human progress. The SORA network includes interoperability with the Polkadot and Kusama networks, as well as the capability to bridge external blockchains (like Ethereum) to the Polkadot ecosystem.

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Editor for

SORA is working to become a decentralized world economic system, under the democratic supervision of the SORA Parliament. Many Worlds. One Economy. SORA.