Every Starseed Has a Station On Earth.

Do you know what yours is?

Purusha Radha
Starseed Life
8 min readMar 1, 2024


Your Starseed station is your promise to be in service to others in the way that only you can uniquely give it. And it’s linked to the whole Starseed nation’s mission for being here at this time. When you remember and live your station, it will drive you your whole life long.

Your station can be as large as being a global teacher or as subtle as simply and sweetly being persons who share Light wherever they go. Not every Starseed station is elaborate, but all of our end goal is the same.

A blue sweatered arm and hand cups a lit up small Earth globe in her hands with the cosmos in the background.
Image generated at Midjourney by the author

Station is not the same as Mission.

The Starseed mission is to actively assist in the graduation of the human race into the Higher Worlds. We do this by being in selfless service to others.

Our station is the vehicle that enables us to give that service.

For example, my station is to remind others of their Divinity and most especially, to assist other Starseeds to remember themselves. I do it through writing, recording and publishing.

The dictionary defines station as a place where people are placed or sent for some special purpose. And you’ve definitely been sent here for a special purpose. In fact, they are your simultaneously existing selves on the seventh and possibly also the twelfth planes who volunteered to send yourself as hologram here to serve.

Your station is your highly unique post on planet Earth. Every Starseed has a post, a job, a particular service to offer.

And we must find what that is so we can offer it.

A byproduct of being in your station is your own contentment and happiness.

Whenever people are doing what they love to do, they’re happy. And especially when you’re doing what you so long ago wrote to do, how can you not be happy and content?

When you move fully into your station and live as your individual self — you are free.

But some Starseeds wander the world wondering what their gift is to offer the people here. Too much in their heads rather than their hearts, they never get past ground zero. They go through life depressed much of the time. They let ego paralyze them into fear of taking the first step.

You can’t make subsequent steps if you don’t at least take the first one.

Other Starseeds set the bar too high for themselves. This is ego-centered thinking too. They think they have to make giant leaps where only small steps are required.

And they use all this as an excuse to get going. When you put so many obstacles in your path (on purpose) you slow yourself way down. All the while you know deep down you’re sabotaging yourself.

We shouldn’t compare ourselves to any other Starseed either. We each have a unique way of service that can’t be compared to any other. Comparison is ego.

I have a Starseed friend who’s a fantastic healer and massage therapist. She serves people all day long on a full-time schedule.

I esteem her steadfast service. I’ve often thought, wow, how wonderful she gets to offer hands-on healing service to others. She relentlessly gives her unique one-on-one tuned in service. This is what she came here to do and she’s doing it.

She talks people through their troubles and challenges right there on the healing table, not to mention she helps set their energies back into balance. After several months or a year of service like that, a Starseed has done wonders on the planet!

But she looks at me and thinks I’m doing better than she is. She mentally diminishes her gifts and great service.

Another Starseed friend is a magnificent lover. She gives everyone the best hugs and you feel so much Love pouring from her heart. A Light to the world, her great service is her kindness and Love. What could be better than that? One embrace at a time she radiates Love onto the planet.

Other Starseeds waste their time watching television, playing games, chasing their tails so to speak. They don’t have a clue about what they’re here to do and they’ll never get a clue as long as they devote their energy to mostly 3D pursuits.

They may have to return home having missed the point. Just because you’re a Starseed doesn’t mean you get it. It doesn’t put a carte-blanche stamp on your forehead and it doesn’t dub you a saint.

Everything is earned.

Moving into your Station increases you as well as others.

Moving into and accepting your station totally removes all the things that cause anger, hostility, depression, and pain in many people. Those destructive emotions reverberate into their lives and sabotage their manifesting powers.

Starseeds who don’t apply themselves to learn and execute their stations put themselves in misery. Then they can never discover their stations.

To you, the tuned in Starseed, your station and complete acceptance of it are apparent to you. So what is in front of you is quite pleasant because when you’re in the state of such grace, you have creation power. It comes right to your fingertips. You feel it almost palpably.

A woman sits on an old trunk on a high perch with a sun peeking through the clouds at the horizon and hot air balloons floating in the near distance at almost eye level.
Image generated at Midjouney by the author

Sometimes a Starseed’s station elicits backlash. But this is actually a good thing.

Sometimes our work and service of shining the Light on truth mathematically sets off triggers that shake people to their core. There may be times when people will come back at you.

I’ve been called the devil many a time through the years.

It’s all in the way you look at it. If you look at it through the logical and spiritual mind you’ll feel rejection. You’re looking through ego. And at first, I truly was looking through ego feeling hurt and even scared. This is the response they wanted from me. But I learned.

If you shift into your mystical mind you’ll know you’ve mathematically set off a trigger of an opposite polarity to the person reacting. And that opposite polarity reaction’s in your favor because now you know you’ve stimulated your ‘rejectors.’

Even if they completely reject your offering, you’ve planted a seed. And that too is service.

Let your Oversoul guide your thinking instead of your ego mind. Your ego mind is the one that tells you:

“This is the way it should be,” “This is more proper,” “We mustn’t break the rules,” “We mustn’t offend anyone.”

When you no longer listen to that chatter and come from your mystical mind, people will turn up the volume to be able to hear you.

There really is no such thing as rejection. There’s only one thing for a Starseed and it’s stimulation. This doesn’t mean you preach and proselytize. Stimulating is different from preaching.

Take it over the line and right past the mind that says, “This will be judged.” Yes, it will be judged, indeed, but it will stimulate.

In stimulation you want to give a little vinegar sometimes. You want to subtly provoke a response. That’s how you assist people to wake up. (You’re not waking them up. You’re assisting them.)

You can offer something very bland that no one can even react to. Or you can offer truth. Many people would rather receive a sugar coated truth or deny it altogether, but many more are hungry for the real thing.

So persevere and if you put anything into anyone’s face, let it be truth.

It may frighten them for a time but they’ll know that it is truth.

Don’t ever be sterile. Sterile means you’re all about what other people think. You water down your service and it’s only at half potency. Starseeds give 100% and then some.

All the times I’ve ever been afraid to hit the publish or send button because of what I’m saying are the very times I get the most positive response, without exception.

Those are the times when you allow your Oversoul to take the helm and help you create your offering. Many people respond positively to truth and even more, they respond to the Voice of God speaking through you (stay humble with that one though; don’t allow a God-complex).

So be your outrageous self as you express your station.

Because don’t you think you’re pretty darn outrageous on the seventh or the twelfth plane?

This third plane needs a shakeup.

And you’ll be surprised how much people will take to it.

And have patience with yourself and the planet. I get emails from people who get all caught up in the periphery of the Starseed life. These are the dreams, visions and astral travel—those kinds of things. And they want to get off the planet and ascend right now.

I’m sorry, this isn’t some lala froufrou fantasy lifetime.

We’re here for a mission and to fulfill our stations and birthright, in particular. Those things can become distractions to your real work if you let them. They’re all secondary—not your primary purpose.

How do you know what your station is?

My station and birthright have always been pretty much clear to me. I’ve always felt driven in my spirituality and life as a Starseed and to write and speak about it. And I think there are a number of reasons for that.

Much of it depends on what you bring in with you from lifetimes past as well as from simultaneous future existences.

For my part, I believe it’s also because on some level I remembered my childhood visitations from benevolent extraterrestrials. They often reminded me of my station as an adult one day.

People have always told me I’m lucky to know and feel my station so deeply. But it isn’t luck. I’ve worked for it.

And now that I’ve consciously remembered some of those visitations, I know that the messages the ETs were giving me were reminders for the Now.

  • So I’m saying that if you know what your station is now, you’ll know and feel it in the belly of your soul.
  • If you don’t know or aren’t really sure, you have some really fun work to do.

You were visited by benevolent ET beings from the Higher Realms as a child just like I was. They told you much and embedded codes within you for you to realize now.

You can choose to embark on a truly great journey of discovery or you can just forget about it. In the latter case, you’re a Starseed in name only.

If you choose to discover more of yourself and your station, that itself is part of your mission here. It will teach you so much you’ll be able to pass on to others and with that, you’ll be fully in your station.

Our stations will be about Love and service in whatever way that looks, and I mean, whatever way.

Yours won’t look like mine necessarily. Where we come from, there are no two identical ‘bakers of bread.’

So whatever is the outrageous, unique, wild or even subtle thing that drives you, I’d say, “That’s it. Go for it.” Even if it isn’t it exactly, it most definitely will lead you to it.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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