Syntropy Self-Service Launches Today

You can now use our tech to connect networks, applications, and services that will automatically ride on our network upon full launch.

Jonas Simanavicius
3 min readApr 8, 2021

It’s a day we’ve been looking forward to for some time: the launch of self-service for Syntropy Stack. Before we dive into the details, here’s a quick summary of why this day is so important for the future of the Internet.

  1. Syntropy Stack is a set of tech and tools that lets developers connect applications, services, and entire networks with encrypted Syntropy connections. Upon full network launch, these connections will automatically ride on the Syntropy network, improving security, speed and uptime.
  2. We completed a production-ready version of Syntropy Stack in January, onboarding 500+ users through an early access program.
  3. With self-service, anyone in the world can now start using Syntropy Stack within minutes, allowing for a new wave of global adoption.
  4. The Syntropy Network rides right on top of the existing public Internet but adds automatic encryption and route optimization. The result is a faster, safer Internet for all.

What can you do with Syntropy Stack?

We kickstarted Syntropy Stack use cases through our Builders program, dedicating $1 million to incentivize developers to build with our technology.

Uptake was swift. There are now dozens of projects ranging from blockchain and gaming to IoT and software deployment.

We integrated our tech with networks like Chainlink, Polkadot, and Ethereum, even securing an official partnership with Elrond to encourage their validators to port their setups to Syntropy. We also made it possible for Minecraft and CS:GO players to easily spin-up a gaming experience with Syntropy, with many more titles on the way.

With the official launch of self-service, we want everyone — even non-technical audiences — to participate. That’s why we’re developing something that will help get your personal devices running on Syntropy.

Syntropy Stack VPN

Syntropy Stack VPN will allow everyone to deploy their own private VPN network. This approach comes with several advantages.

  1. When using a commercial VPN solution, you simply shift the risk down the VPN tunnel, exposing all of your Internet traffic to your VPN provider. Some of them sell or exploit your data.
  2. Syntropy Stack makes it easy for you to run a private VPN — no third party needed. You deploy and control the infrastructure, taking command of your own data.
  3. Your data will be encrypted with Wireguard VPN, the fastest and most secure VPN protocol today.
  4. You will have the power to host VPN exit nodes on any cloud, server, or device across any geographical location. When DARP is integrated with the rest of the tech stack, you’ll also be able to add performance-optimized routing to your traffic.
A sneak peek at a Syntropy VPN setup

You can use Syntropy Stack to create a private VPN for any purpose. You can connect from your Windows or Mac machines, plus iOS and Android smartphones. Syntropy Agents deployed on any cloud, server, or device will then act as exit nodes.

Private VPN functionality will be available for all Syntropy Stack users as soon as this month.

We’ve always aimed to facilitate access to a faster and safer Internet, and now we want to make sure that anyone can use our platform to protect their privacy. We are actively working on extended documentation and tutorials for non-tech audiences so that anyone with an Internet connection can benefit from Syntropy. Running private VPNs has never been this easy.

Start using Syntropy Stack today

With self-service now launched, you simply need to register for access. Technical audiences can reference our documentation and tutorials for assistance on how to get started.

Stay tuned to our Twitter and Telegram channels for real-time updates on the launch date for Syntropy VPN.

