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  1. Blockchain
  2. Cryptocurrency

IOTA: possible BOSCH usecases

As we have seen already, BOSCH Venture Capital has bought a “significant amount of IOTA tokens”. Although…

Partnering with OST

Our plan for Simple Token, “OST,” is to be the leading technology platform and business partner for mainstream adoption of…

Evolution of Computes

The demand for exascale computing is upon us and Computes is well positioned to help industries evolve to leveraging infinite computing.

ethx.in review | New Cryptocurrency exchange in India | Worth or Not?

ethx.in — Buy and Sell Ether in India is an Indian exchange which offers you to buy Ethereum using INR. On Ethx, you can instantly buy or sell Ethereum. Unlike on any other platform, where a seller is needed if…

New Year, New Look: What’s Happening in the World of Essentia

Time has flown by since our last article and we’ve been keeping very busy! A lot has happened behind the scenes and we want to share some of these developments with you including an update on how the project is going and…

BitRush Corp — Takeover Battle, Buy-Out Order and Valuation

The takeover battle around the public-listed Canadian bitcoin startup BitRush Corp before the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto seems to come to an end, finally. The battle of a group of shareholders against the company’s…

(RU) Автоматизация для людей

Трейдинговые боты проекта Gimmer убирают эмоции из процесса инвестирования и делают криптовалюты мэинстримом.



我们非常兴奋地看到,Mobius的开发者和用户们已经迅速地发展成了一个活力四射的社群;此次销售中注册的参与者已达32000人。在今年的稍后阶段,我们将十分荣幸地启动我们的去中心化数据市场和Oracle权益证明协议 (PSOP) !

我们收到了非常多的购买请求,无数人想购买Mobius代币 (MOBI) 。但不幸的是,其中有远超1000万美元的请求被我们狠心拒绝了,因为MOBI的数量真的非常有限。

This story is unavailable.

Sure George,

There are many tutorials out there and I can even write one up myself if the interest is strong enough. GDAX or Coinbase would be a good place to start, but I’m not sure if they have any restrictions on Australian accounts. If not, depositing your AUD into GDAX or Coinbase through a wire transfer would be the…

두 요소 인증 (2FA)을 CHANGELLY에 추가하는 방법

이 “changelly.com에 2 요소 인증 (2fa)을 추가하는 방법”가이드는 정적 자격 증명 외에도 두 번째 요소에 대한 SAASPASS를 코드 생성기로 사용하여…