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  1. Blockchain
  2. Cryptocurrency

Anonymita v kryptoanarchii a jej dramatický dopad na spoločnosť

Fenomén internetovej anonymity ma fascinuje odvtedy, ako som pochopil onion routing a popísal ho v mojej prvej prezentácii o kryptoanarchii. Uvedomil som si, že je možné takmer zadarmo dosiahnuť veľmi vysokú anonymitu s

The savedroid Token Model

We create a utility token with a deflation mechanism as suggested by Vitalik Buterin. savedroid tokens can be used to purchase crypto services within the savedroid ecosystem. Once tokens have been used for a purchase, we will burn a proportion of these tokens (i.e., deflation) to…

Become a Gimmer Beta Tester!

Automated crypto-trading platform Gimmer soon launches its beta platform, which we invite users to test the application.

LiveEdu ICO — Future Technologies and Topics in the LiveEdu Ecosystem

LiveEdu is a decentralized learning ecosystem that teaches people how to build complete products in future technological fields. We are building the YouTube for online education. You can also describe our…

Safe and Sound

Thanks to our business partner The Rock Trading we are proud to announce that from today it’s possible to trade EURN in these ways and viceversa: EUR-EURN ; BTC-EURN ; ETH-EURN
Noku, your easy way to crypto. Clear, Fast, Secure.

Gems ICO short review

Another ICO pops up on peoples radar… Gems. What’s it all about? Well, they describe themselves (on their website: https://gems.org/) as “Decentralized Mechanical Turk”. This probably means very little or even nothing to you — well you are not alone :)

LALA World Partners Cynopsis — A Top 100 RegTech Company and Leaders in KYC/AML

By LALA World • Issue #41 • View online

When it comes to security, regulations, KYC and AML, LALA World is always on the top. That is why we have partnered with…

My Trading Brain-Dump, Part II

In part I of this series I provided the reader with some background information as well as a solid rule of thumb about how much should you invest in cryptocurrencies. In part II I will focus on a very common pitfall that’s very relevant to these times of fast, high-flying…

Coinvest позволяет каждому инвестировать практически индивидуальный или курсивный индекс.

Обзор Coinvest ICO
Coinve.st (https://coinve.st
) ICO — первый рынок децентрализованного инвестиционного рынка для криптомутенов.
Инвестируйте в несколько криптокурсов и…

LiveEdu ICO — 来自Rocket Internet的Cels Cardona担任LiveEdu首席营销官

LiveEdu诚挚欢迎来自Rocket Internet的Cels Cardona加入我们的ICO团队,为我们的宣传强势助力。Cels具备超过5年的在线营销经验。他曾在Rocket Internet的风投项目团队Global Savings Group中担任3年的团队领导者,专注于电子邮件营销、Facebook付费广告和绩效营销。之后他转战南亚,效力于著名的在线营销机构Growth Hacking…

Digging into Bitcoin

Lessons learnt from Bitcoin.com

Bitcoin Dot Com has a great 10 days e-mail course about what’s the currency is all about. Here is the summary. I just had to share it.

Lesson 1: Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin

The Fate of Bitcoin

BitBull Capital CEO Crypto Joe, alongside other industry experts, offers his insight on “The Fate of #Bitcoin” in this BuzzFeed article:
