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  1. Life Lessons
  2. Inspiration


As an emotional, and soul-fueled creator, the more time I have to sit down with a pen and paper — or the longer of a…

Loving the New Feed! Not!

I apologize ahead of time, but I must vent about this. Once again Your Friends @ Medium, Medium Staff, and others have decided to make (in my opinion) a change for the, not so much, better. Changing the news feed so you cannot revert back to the old feed.

Should You Quit Drinking Before You Go Through Something Terrible?
Fierce Force 💃🏼

Fierce Force 💃🏼 — your honesty is beautiful.

These might have not been easy to write, to look it, but it seems that you are going where your heart is telling you to- and that’s open. Writing openly. And…