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  1. Life Lessons
  2. Inspiration

Typography Inspiration, Week #39 of 2017

This week the fonts Eina, Tiempos Headline, Proxima Nova, GT Pressura Mono and Georgia were particularly popular.


Day 32 — He wrote you into His story.

During a recent Advent season, I read Janet Denison’s 2013 advent devotional “Looking forward to Christmas”.

One thing she said on one reading has really stuck with me. “Jesus is not a ‘character’ in the Christmas story; he authored the

Owed to a Harper

Oh, Meg! I was SO hoping your poem was about our friend, Harper Thorpe, and it is! Yes, I have enjoyed his wit and ability to make rhymes where I would never imagine anyone could. Thank you, and 50 claps for this piece from me.