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  1. Life Lessons
  2. Inspiration

Stand In The Sun

Inspired by Sekhmet

Written to those who will tempt the ire of the “meek”


After Dewi’s inspirational prompt Courage

Courage is taking broken pieces of your heart and loving it wholly.

Telling the world your deepest and darkest in the hopes it’s changes stigmatising views.
Wild Flower

This. Yes. If only everyone did! Speaking your truth, exposed at your core Wild Flower touches others each day- and will inspire some to peel their own layers and be a voice.

Hey so how long have you been on the road now? I came on in October and so at least since then. And do you have one main written piece or a time period…


Dewi great prompt!

I already have two- we probably could all produce a 100 stories each based on courage.

Here though I want to address your poem specifically. So profound! So, so true. This poetic sentence is so on point with my life. It resonates in regards to several situations. It all…

Hearts that turn cold
