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  1. Life Lessons
  2. Inspiration

Awesome Lead Link/Mediocre Lead Link

This article uses the basic language of holacracy (HBS overview here). The general principles of leadership should apply in other self-managing knowledge economy organizations. Tunapanda Institute adopted holacracy in mid-2015 here in Kibera, Nairobi. It has served

5 Lessons I Learned While Training For A Marathon

*An earlier version of this article was first published on BellaNaija.

If someone had told me I would run a marathon across 3 countries a few years ago, I would have laughed till I peed in my pants. Throughout my…

A quick favour to ask on goal setting

I mentioned a while back that I wanted to pull together my approach for goal setting into…

Inspiration? Who Else Could it be?

So well done, Terijo, and a wonderful choice for the inspirational spotlight. If I may pile on … Meg
Our resistance queen
Thoughtful, not mean
Promotes unity
Strikes serious tones
And our funny bones
Fine balance achieved
Every word believed

So well done, Terijo, and a wonderful choice for the inspirational spotlight.
Harper Thorpe

Oh Harper!!! See? Now you’re one of the ones I knew I was forgetting, but, couldn’t remember! You and your repurposing of lyrics, and always with a hit to my funny bone that makes me giggle!

Thank you for all you do! ❤