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Machine Learning

Some thoughts on the Coursera Deep Learning Specialization

I recently finished the deep learning specialization on Coursera. The specialization requires you to take a series of five courses. I suppose that makes me a bit of a unicorn, as I not only finished one MOOC, I finished five

Python 學習筆記

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1. Python程式語言

一個高階程式語言,屬於通用型程式語言。作為一種直譯語言,Python 的設計哲學強調代碼的可讀性和簡潔的語法(尤其是使用空格縮排劃分代碼塊,而非使用大括號或者關鍵詞)。作為一個動態型別程式語言,Python 擁有動態型別系統和垃圾回收功能,能夠自動管理記憶體使用,並且支援多種編程範式,包括物件導向、命令式、函數式和程序式編程。(source)


Designing with AI: Part Two

In a recent article, we discussed several examples of new AI software for interaction designers. Since then…

Facebook’s Suicide Prevention Tools by AI

Today, I saw a post shared by my friend on Facebook, talking about the suicide prevention on one of the largest social media. Hence, write some notes about it.

AWS & Deep Learning: A Perfect pair 

If you are familiar with Deep learning, you know that you need to train the models, with…

Bright Sunshiny Day Cont’d.

Last time, we heard David Lee[1] express his conviction that, far from destroying human jobs, robotic…