UPDATE 3/4/2019: Code examples in this tutorial are outdated. Please use the updated tutorial https://dvc.org/doc/tutorial
Today the data science community is still lacking good practices for organizing their projects and effectively collaborating. ML…
Professionals are putting AI to work to turn our most valuable resource — data — into new ways of doing…
By: Antonio Zugaldia
This article is a follow up and a conclusion of this topic. Previously, I have been writing articles about…
Today we are announcing IBM Watson Studio . The best way to understand its capabilities is to see them in action, that’s why we’ve prepared 10 short videos.
A computer with a brain that thinks and behaves like a human being? Nothing is impossible with this technological revolution that continues to surprise us day after day! Today, one can give “eyes and a brain” to his…
In this post I will reveal some of our secrets as to how we use Artificial…
By Aleksandra Vercauteren, Senior NLU Engineer at Faction XYZ.
As a company specialised in natural language understanding, word embeddings are one of the building blocks of our technology. Our NLU models need…
สวัสดีครับผมวันนี้เราจะมาเรียนรู้ กระบวนการ หนึ่งในการทำ Machine learning หรือ แม้กระทั่ง Data mining นั้นคือขั้นตอนเตรียมการข้อมูลหรือ Data Preprocessing นั้นเอง
Welcoming you to a beginner’s guide to the random forest. :)
Random Forest is an ensembling method and one of the most popular and powerful algorithm in Machine Learning. Before we move ahead, hope you have a basic idea of a Decision Tree. In this post, we…
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are at the forefront of the…
Designing, then coding, neural networks is difficult and error prone, so we asked ourselves a few questions about how to improve the process:
Buying food hasn’t always been the easiest thing to do. Up until the early 1900s, there was not a one-stop shop to purchase your food and drinks. A person went to their local bakery for bread, a butcher for meat, and milk delivered by the milkman. This made…
By Chad Marston and Shaikh Quader
This is a simple definition of Training Data.
Machines are much faster at…
If you have ever tried training deep neural networks, there is a good chance that you used a learning rate scheduler. Methods like annealing manipulate the learning rate globally and equally for all parameters. However, there are methods which tune learning rates adaptively…
Alibaba’s new approach for ranking search results
This article is part of the Academic Alibaba series and is taken from the paper entitled “Reinforcement Learning to Rank in…
If you are a machine learning newbie, I am sure you might have run into the giant obstacle of — “Where to…
Our work at DataStreamX and the DSX Network has revolved around ensuring the transparency, trustworthiness, and fluidity…
Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree最後一關是Capstone Project(即Final Project)。學員需要自選一個題目,搜集相關的datasets,分析數據建立prediction model,然後寫一個報告。
The conventional wisdom in today’s chip startups is a bit depressing: Raise a lot of capital, achieve diminishing improvements over what’s being offered by the ever-consolidating incumbents…
編按:在優拓每週一次的 Seminar,Data Team 的大夥會輪流分享最近看過的一篇印象深刻的論文。這一系列文章就是將會議上討論的內容整理出來,分享給優拓以外的同好。本系列的前一篇請見:
After a few months of preparation, La Paz AI hosted its launch event on March 15th. Over 50 technology enthusiasts gathered…
Define some objective, then let a population of algorithms compete against one…
NLP is a way for computers machines to analyze, understand, and derive meaning from human language in a smart and useful way.
Spring 2018
CVPR 2017
Andreas Veit1, Neil Alldrin, Gal Chechik, Ivan Krasin, Abhinav Gupta, Serge Belongie
Recentemente um acidente envolvendo um carro autônomo causou a morte de um pedestre no…
“My mind seems to have become a kind of machine for grinding general laws out of large collections…
Xingchao Peng, Baochen Sun, Karim Ali, Kate Saenko
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Problem solving by simplification.
Despite of its simplicity, manual feature selection, which I take the license to call feature engineering, is my favorite among the options in your nicely written article.
When a data scientist has gained sufficient understanding of the phenomenon underlying the…
Hi Yarden,
Your success with classifying long sentences depends on the quality and size of your training dataset. If you have enough similar long training examples, you shouldn’t have a problem classifying the sentence that you mentioned. I suspect the longer the sentences that you want to classify on average, the more…
Blockchain is far more widely useful than for just crypto- currencies such as Bitcoin. Blockchains create immutable, persistent, and searchable records of events, transactions, contracts, and official…
VantagePoint Software’s Lane Mendelsohn Says Increased Adoption of Artificial Intelligence is on Wall Street’s Horizon. As featured expert for Benzinga round table, Mendelsohn says more investors will discover AI as a critical tool to leverage…
This for all the aspiring people out there who are going to take online courses on udacity. Trust me, these are expensive. But look below, I have found a little relief for you all. Below are the links of all the udacity nanodegree…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the distinct ability to amaze and excite us, thanks to its innumerable possibilities and unbelievable use cases. In 2017, we all have witnessed its innovations shaping our modern world…
Another one: “Stubborn Problems always require a paradigm Shift” — Jamella Sanders
Are we all not awestruck with the possibilities offered by the growing adoption of technology all around us.
Organizations across the globe are putting serious efforts to improve their…
Google has built one of a kind global infrastructure, over the last 18 years to support 1 Billion+ users, now packaged to enterprises as Google Cloud.
Shift to cloud has moved from ops efficiency, cost optimization and scale, to value from data, predictions, experiences and…
Supersmart algorithms won’t take all the jobs, but they are learning faster than ever, doing everything from medical diagnostics to serving up ads.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS overhyped — there, we said it. It’s also incredibly…
A curated list of resources dedicated to bayesian deep learning | by Emmanuelle Rieuf
I remember like it was yesterday, watching the Apple keynote where the iPhone 4s was introduced and not just was a improved version of one of the most beloved pieces of innovation tech ever (the iPhone 4), it took a shot at an incredible idea: artificial…