The concepts of Linear Algebra are crucial for understanding the theory behind Machine…
Linear and Logistic regressions are usually the first modeling algorithms that people…
Basics, weight initialization pitfalls & best practices
One area that Deep Learning has not explored extensively is the uncertainty in estimates. Most Deep Learning…
Imagine this: you’ve gotten aboard the AI Hype Train and decided to develop an…
最近深感隨著歲數的增加,記憶力銳減的特別快,因此昨天(2018/3/24)第一次參加科技部 AI 創新研究中心專案計畫推動辦公室的活動-”DEEP REINFORCEMENT LEARNING SYMPOSIUM”,覺得收穫良多,迫不及待與大家分享。
今天的講者有三個,都從不同的角度出發來看Deep Reinforcement Learning。
Machine Learning and Big Data — Real-World Applications
The amount of data that companies collect and store today is staggering. However, it’s not the…
This article focuses on Variational Inference (VI) for the Ising model in application to binary image denoising.
TF-IDF 為一種文字探勘處理的工具,主要用為資訊檢索、文字探勘等做為權重或是Feature selection。
TF-IDF 主要的概念核心有兩個,TF 及 IDF (感覺好像在講廢話:P)
1. TF 詞頻 (Term Frequency): 是指某一個文字在某一個文件中所出現的頻率。可用式子表示為 tf(t,d): t詞在d文件中出現的頻率。例如:十萬 / 青年 / 十萬 / 肝, 十萬出現了2次,總共有3個字詞,…
Linear regression is a very simple approach for supervised learning.It has been around for a long time and it may…
By James Webb
The third Scaled Machine Learning Conference took place at Stanford University, March 25 2018. Conceived by…
The Thorn characters — Þ, þ - are largely unkown outside of the modern Icelandic Alphabet…
Þ, þ
Lux Capital invests in Arraiy, a computer vision and machine learning platform for special effects.
Python virtualenv and understanding the AWS Deep Learning AMI.
In a previous blog we saw how to setup the AWS Deep Learning AMI and brief reference to python virtualenv.
[ec2-user@ip-172–31–43–77 ~]$ source activate python3
A story of 22hrs to win Slalom’s Hack…
You hear a lot of buzz about Big Data Analytics, Data Science and AI. Those words…
I recently listened to a radio talk-show host interview the technology editor for the…
Over the last couple of years, Google made deep learning actionable using a great framework called TensorFlow. In this article, we are going to explore TensorFlow basics. In the later section, we will discuss how to build a Logistic Regression model using TensorFlow.
When you think about the term “AI content generator,” you might imagine a robot tucked into an office…
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” — Henry Ford
Today we’re unveiling Alchemy by Fritz AI. Alchemy is a collection of utilities and…
Dear Data Scientists,
According to the International Labor Organisation (ILO)…
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the topic of all current media debates, and…
Neural Nets are simple as A,b,0110 0011
I can say with my hand on my heart, that machine learning is by far the worst environment I’ve…
There has been a ton of things going on in my world which is why its taken me a…
“Anyone has the right to protect its personal data”
Reviewed by Fabio Concina
On 25th May, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be fully…
Traditional Machine Learning applications have been on a triumphal march for the past few years and only recently became sophisticated enough to break through the corporate and university level to the mainstream user. Smart homes, data driven medicine, autonomous…
“To Explain or to Predict”
This article is a personal opinion on the phenomenal paper “To Explain or to Predict” by Professor Galit Shmueli.
A podcast is out!
Chatbots is a new concept, but their popularity exponentially grows each passing day.“A computer…
The artificial intelligence (AI) industry is growing at a furious rate, with a recent Narrative Science survey discovering that at least 38% of enterprises are investing in the technology. In 2016, the AI market was worth an estimated $8 billion, a…
Thank you Adam for such a nice article.
I’m new to this field and introducing myself to ML through this series of yours. I want to do this bird classification from scratch and want to know, how can I label pictures and make a data-set. So that If I want to classify other things, I should know how to make a proper label data-set of pictures.
Afghanistan, a country that has become synonymous with conflict due to over a decade of…
Artificial Intelligence (AI), both in its “narrow” and “general”/”deep” forms, will be the most significant…
Addition and subtraction are element-wise, so you simply add or subtract each corresponding element:
Making computers identify and understand what they are looking at in digital images is an ongoing challenge. Recent years have seen notable increases in the accuracy and speed of object detection due to deep learning and new…
combined with a representation of biofeedback to alter personal neural metrics and biometrics one can enahce the speed of learning manyfold.
and that can bring a step fold increase in the world of programming, already leveled up by…
Let’s kill the hype, and continue creating value for our customers.
Hello, my name is Will, I’m one of the developers at Ushahidi. I hope to tell you briefly about some of the exciting things we’re working on at Ushahidi, the implications for that technology, and my own hopes for the future of…