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Machine Learning

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence — What they are to business

Most leading companies today rely on the power of Machine Learning(ML) and Artificial Intelligence(AI) to understand consumer behaviour, turn data into information and propel themselves into a productive…

Data Science and Machine Learning Python Libraries

Core Libraries

Numpy (http://www.numpy.org/) — Support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays.

Dictionary for Artificial intelligence

Online free GPU : https://hackernoon.com/train-your-machine-learning-models-on-googles-gpus-for-free-forever-a41bd309d6ad

  1. Bias and Variance: Bias is how far off on the average the model is from the truth and The variance is how much that the estimate varies…

#HackTheHub: AI & ML — Use the cloud, Luke!

If you are going to #HackTheHub this weekend, you’re probably considering using cloud AI/ML services to get a head start.

Bits & Bytes — 3.21.18 — This Week in Machine Learning & AI