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Machine Learning

Training on MNIST dataset with TensorFlow Dataset, Estimator and Slim APIs — Part 3

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, we built an input pipeline to feed MNIST examples to our neural network. Now its time to build the model. All we need to do is provide the TensorFlow…

Vectorize your data!

We had our first get together last week, on the subject of data vectorization. Daniel Grady did an amazing job of introducing the concepts and going through some real world examples. Join us at Open Machine Learning, etc for future events and follow us @OpenMLetc!

Machine Learning in Social Science Review (2)

A predictive model is just a part of research project. Horne et al. (2017) studied whether the frequency of students’ accessing dashboard was associated with learning outcomes in a large, introductory chemistry course. They at first built predictive…