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The future never comes

Вернор Виндж, вероятно, самый последовательный сторонник концепции “оптимистичного постапокалипсиса” в фантастике, несмотря на то, что катастрофы в его произведениях зачастую случаются поистине космического масштаба, людские ошибки — космической же глупости, да и сам термин…

Bad Journalism from Bad Science

USA Today published an article on legalized marijuana and driving. It neatly emphasized the wrong conclusion from the actual study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

The study found those with THC in their system were…

gennaio 2018

AstroNews 1/2018

Un elenco aggiornato quotidianamente con le principali…

Comments on arXiv papers
Fermat's Library

While the effort is commendable, arXiv should really add a commenting feature itself — and unfortunately it does not appear to be open source, preventing people from contributing that feature directly. Otherwise, comments are dispersed over several locations —e.g. comments through Librarian are only visible to Librarian users, and comments through…

WannaCry is part of a bigger problem

In the wake of one of the largest-ever cyber attacks — the fast-spreading Wanna Cry ransomware…