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Book Summary 27 — Surely, You’re joking Mr.Feynman!

You can find all my book summaries — here.

‘Surely, You’re joking Mr.Feynman!’ is a great, easy and funny read about the life of a physics professor and Nobel prize winner. It retells the story of his life, not…

Pareto distributions: Billionaires similar to Amazon rain forest trees

This study is fascinating! I just emailed them saying thank you.

Aligns so much with what Jordan Peterson was talking about in his lecture with his monopoly analogy and what I learned…

Pluto interviewed with Research Stash

This Seoul Based Nonprofit Wants to Make Scholarly Communication Transparent Using Blockchain…

Part I: The Industrialization of Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in the Past Decade

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, administered by the Nobel Foundation, is awarded once a year for outstanding discoveries in the fields of life sciences and medicine…

Video Recording Technology Plays an Important Role in Ball Mill Research

The Ore Milling Equipment drives the medium group in rotation when the ball mill operates. During the process, media will collide with neighboring media as well as the inside of the cylinder. The collision…